100.00 % properties are mapped ( 23 of 23 ).
100.00 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( el ) are mapped ( 2111 of 2111 ).
property is mapped |
property is not mapped |
property is mapped but not found in the template definition |
property is ignored |
occurrences | property |
na | MeshNumber |
na | MeshYear |
na | eMedicineTopic |
321 | ICD9 |
314 | ICD10 |
279 | MeshID |
257 | DiseasesDB |
247 | eMedicineSubj |
219 | MedlinePlus |
166 | λεζάντα |
98 | OMIM |
54 | Image |
54 | ονομασία |
51 | Caption |
19 | MeshName |
10 | Width |
6 | Alt |
5 | GeneReviewsName |
4 | ICDO |
3 | eMedicine_mult |
2 | MedlinePlus_mult |
1 | GeneReviewsID |
1 | OMIM_mult |
0 | Background |
0 | DiseasesDB_mult |
0 | εικόνα |