OntologyClass:BoxingLeague: Difference between revisions

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(label@nl = box competitie)
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{{label|it|lega di pugilato}}
{{label|it|lega di pugilato}}
{{label|nl|box competitie
| rdfs:subClassOf = SportsLeague
| rdfs:subClassOf = SportsLeague
| comments =  
| comments =  

Revision as of 20:13, 19 March 2014

{{Class | labels =

rdfs:label (en)boxing league rdfs:label (el)πρωτάθλημα πυγμαχίας rdfs:label (fr)ligue de boxe rdfs:label (ja)ボクシングリーグ rdfs:label (it)lega di pugilato rdfs:label (nl)box competitie