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DBpedia defines datatypes for units and dimensions. The following datatypes are available:
DBpedia defines datatypes for units and dimensions.  

* Area
The page below shows a "hierarchy" of datatypes, although there's no such thing as subClassOf for datatypes (see [https://github.com/dbpedia/mappings-tracker/issues/22 #22]). In [[Template:PropertyMapping|PropertyMapping]].unit you can specify:
** squareNauticalMile
* Either a super-datatype, in which case the templateProperty is expected to have an explicit unit. Eg in [[Mapping_pt:Info/Futebolista]]:
** squareMile
<pre>{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = altura | ontologyProperty = height | unit = Length }}
** acre
** squareYard
* Or a specific datatype, in which case the templateProperty carries a pure number, which is interpreted as the provided unit. Eg in [[Mapping_en:Infobox_street]]:
** squareFoot
<pre>{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_ft | ontologyProperty = length | unit = foot}}
** squareInch
** hectare
** squareKilometre
In both cases:
** squareHectometre
* The number is converted to SI units (eg meters for Length)
** squareDecametre
* In some cases, a specific property with a more appropriate unit is also created. Eg http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Person/height is in centimeters
** squareDecimetre
** squareCentimetre
= XML and RDF Datatypes =
** squareMillimetre
* [[Datatype:rdf:langString]]
** squareMetre
* [[Datatype:xsd:anyURI]]
** valvetrain
* [[Datatype:xsd:boolean]]
** engineConfiguration
* [[Datatype:xsd:date]]
** fuelType
* [[Datatype:xsd:dateTime]]
* Currency
* [[Datatype:xsd:double]]
** zimbabweanDollar
* [[Datatype:xsd:float]]
** southAfricanRand
* [[Datatype:xsd:gDay]]
** yemeniRial
* [[Datatype:xsd:gMonth]]
** cfpFranc
* [[Datatype:xsd:gMonthDay]]
** westAfricanCfaFranc
* [[Datatype:xsd:gYear]]
** eastCaribbeanDollar
* [[Datatype:xsd:gYearMonth]]
** centralAfricanCfaFranc
* [[Datatype:xsd:integer]]
** samoanTala
* [[Datatype:xsd:negativeInteger]]
** vanuatuVatu
* [[Datatype:xsd:nonNegativeInteger]]
** venezuelanBolívar
* [[Datatype:xsd:nonPositiveInteger]]
** uruguayanPeso
* [[Datatype:xsd:positiveInteger]]
** ugandaShilling
* [[Datatype:xsd:string]]
** ukrainianHryvnia
* [[Datatype:xsd:time]]
** tanzanianShilling
** newTaiwanDollar
= [[Datatype:Area|Area]] =
** trinidadAndTobagoDollar
* [[Datatype:squareNauticalMile]]
** turkishLira
* [[Datatype:squareMile]]
** tonganPaanga
* [[Datatype:acre]]
** tunisianDinar
* [[Datatype:squareYard]]
** azerbaijaniManat
* [[Datatype:squareFoot]]
** turkmenistaniManat
* [[Datatype:squareInch]]
** tajikistaniSomoni
* [[Datatype:hectare]]
** thaiBaht
* [[Datatype:squareKilometre]]
** swaziLilangeni
* [[Datatype:squareHectometre]]
** syrianPound
* [[Datatype:squareDecametre]]
** sãoToméAndPríncipeDobra
* [[Datatype:squareDecimetre]]
** surinamDollar
* [[Datatype:squareCentimetre]]
** somaliShilling
* [[Datatype:squareMillimetre]]
** sierraLeoneanLeone
* [[Datatype:squareMetre]]
** slovakKoruna
= [[Datatype:Currency|Currency]] =
** saintHelenaPound
* [[Datatype:afghanAfghani]]
** singaporeDollar
* [[Datatype:albanianLek]]
** swedishKrona
* [[Datatype:algerianDinar]]
** sudanesePound
* [[Datatype:angolanKwanza]]
** seychellesRupee
* [[Datatype:angolanKwanza]]
** solomonIslandsDollar
* [[Datatype:argentinePeso]]
** saudiRiyal
* [[Datatype:armenianDram]]
** rwandaFranc
* [[Datatype:arubanGuilder]]
** serbianDinar
* [[Datatype:australianDollar]]
** romanianNewLeu
* [[Datatype:azerbaijaniManat]]
** qatariRial
* [[Datatype:bahamianDollar]]
** paraguayanGuarani
* [[Datatype:bahrainiDinar]]
** polishZ?oty
* [[Datatype:bangladeshiTaka]]
** pakistaniRupee
* [[Datatype:barbadosDollar]]
** philippinePeso
* [[Datatype:belarussianRuble]]
** papuaNewGuineanKina
* [[Datatype:belizeDollar]]
** peruvianNuevoSol
* [[Datatype:bermudianDollar]]
** panamanianBalboa
* [[Datatype:bhutaneseNgultrum]]
** omaniRial
* [[Datatype:bolivianBoliviano]]
** newZealandDollar
* [[Datatype:bosniaAndHerzegovinaConvertibleMarks]]
** nepaleseRupee
* [[Datatype:botswanaPula]]
** norwegianKrone
* [[Datatype:brazilianReal]]
** nicaraguanCórdoba
* [[Datatype:bruneiDollar]]
** nigerianNaira
* [[Datatype:bulgarianLev]]
** namibianDollar
* [[Datatype:burundianFranc]]
** mozambicanMetical
* [[Datatype:cambodianRiel]]
** malaysianRinggit
* [[Datatype:canadianDollar]]
** mexicanPeso
* [[Datatype:capeVerdeEscudo]]
** zambianKwacha
* [[Datatype:caymanIslandsDollar]]
** malawianKwacha
* [[Datatype:centralAfricanCfaFranc]]
** maldivianRufiyaa
* [[Datatype:cfpFranc]]
** mauritianRupee
* [[Datatype:chileanPeso]]
** mauritanianOuguiya
* [[Datatype:colombianPeso]]
** macanesePataca
* [[Datatype:comorianFranc]]
** mongolianTögrög
* [[Datatype:congoleseFranc]]
** myanmaKyat
* [[Datatype:costaRicanColon]]
** macedonianDenar
* [[Datatype:croatianKuna]]
** malagasyAriary
* [[Datatype:cubanPeso]]
** moldovanLeu
* [[Datatype:czechKoruna]]
** moroccanDirham
* [[Datatype:danishKrone]]
** libyanDinar
* [[Datatype:djiboutianFranc]]
** latvianLats
* [[Datatype:dominicanPeso]]
** lithuanianLitas
* [[Datatype:eastCaribbeanDollar]]
** lesothoLoti
* [[Datatype:egyptianPound]]
** liberianDollar
* [[Datatype:eritreanNakfa]]
** sriLankanRupee
* [[Datatype:estonianKroon]]
** lebanesePound
* [[Datatype:ethiopianBirr]]
** laoKip
* [[Datatype:euro]]
** kazakhstaniTenge
* [[Datatype:falklandIslandsPound]]
** caymanIslandsDollar
* [[Datatype:fijiDollar]]
** kuwaitiDinar
* [[Datatype:gambianDalasi]]
** southKoreanWon
* [[Datatype:georgianLari]]
** northKoreanWon
* [[Datatype:ghanaianCedi]]
** comorianFranc
* [[Datatype:gibraltarPound]]
** cambodianRiel
* [[Datatype:guatemalanQuetzal]]
** uzbekistanSom
* [[Datatype:guineaFranc]]
** kyrgyzstaniSom
* [[Datatype:guyanaDollar]]
** kenyanShilling
* [[Datatype:haitiGourde]]
** jordanianDinar
* [[Datatype:honduranLempira]]
** jamaicanDollar
* [[Datatype:hongKongDollar]]
** icelandKrona
* [[Datatype:hungarianForint]]
** iranianRial
* [[Datatype:icelandKrona]]
** iraqiDinar
* [[Datatype:indianRupee]]
** indianRupee
* [[Datatype:indonesianRupiah]]
** israeliNewSheqel
* [[Datatype:iranianRial]]
** indonesianRupiah
* [[Datatype:iraqiDinar]]
** hungarianForint
* [[Datatype:israeliNewSheqel]]
** haitiGourde
* [[Datatype:jamaicanDollar]]
** croatianKuna
* [[Datatype:japaneseYen]]
** honduranLempira
* [[Datatype:jordanianDinar]]
** hongKongDollar
* [[Datatype:kazakhstaniTenge]]
** guyanaDollar
* [[Datatype:kenyanShilling]]
** guatemalanQuetzal
* [[Datatype:kuwaitiDinar]]
** guineaFranc
* [[Datatype:kyrgyzstaniSom]]
** gambianDalasi
* [[Datatype:laoKip]]
** gibraltarPound
* [[Datatype:latvianLats]]
** ghanaianCedi
* [[Datatype:lebanesePound]]
** georgianLari
* [[Datatype:lesothoLoti]]
** falklandIslandsPound
* [[Datatype:liberianDollar]]
** fijiDollar
* [[Datatype:libyanDinar]]
** ethiopianBirr
* [[Datatype:lithuanianLitas]]
** eritreanNakfa
* [[Datatype:macanesePataca]]
** egyptianPound
* [[Datatype:macedonianDenar]]
** estonianKroon
* [[Datatype:malagasyAriary]]
** algerianDinar
* [[Datatype:malawianKwacha]]
** dominicanPeso
* [[Datatype:malaysianRinggit]]
** danishKrone
* [[Datatype:maldivianRufiyaa]]
** djiboutianFranc
* [[Datatype:mauritanianOuguiya]]
** czechKoruna
* [[Datatype:mauritianRupee]]
** capeVerdeEscudo
* [[Datatype:mexicanPeso]]
** cubanPeso
* [[Datatype:moldovanLeu]]
** costaRicanColon
* [[Datatype:mongolianTögrög]]
** colombianPeso
* [[Datatype:moroccanDirham]]
** renminbi
* [[Datatype:mozambicanMetical]]
** chileanPeso
* [[Datatype:myanmaKyat]]
** swissFranc
* [[Datatype:namibianDollar]]
** congoleseFranc
* [[Datatype:nepaleseRupee]]
** canadianDollar
* [[Datatype:netherlandsAntilleanGuilder]]
** belizeDollar
* [[Datatype:newTaiwanDollar]]
** belarussianRuble
* [[Datatype:newZealandDollar]]
** botswanaPula
* [[Datatype:nicaraguanCordoba]]
** bhutaneseNgultrum
* [[Datatype:nigerianNaira]]
** bahamianDollar
* [[Datatype:northKoreanWon]]
** brazilianReal
* [[Datatype:norwegianKrone]]
** bolivianBoliviano
* [[Datatype:omaniRial]]
** bruneiDollar
* [[Datatype:pakistaniRupee]]
** bermudianDollar
* [[Datatype:panamanianBalboa]]
** burundianFranc
* [[Datatype:papuaNewGuineanKina]]
** bahrainiDinar
* [[Datatype:paraguayanGuarani]]
** bulgarianLev
* [[Datatype:peruvianNuevoSol]]
** bangladeshiTaka
* [[Datatype:philippinePeso]]
** barbadosDollar
* [[Datatype:polishZloty]]
** bosniaAndHerzegovinaConvertibleMarks
* [[Datatype:poundSterling]]
** arubanGuilder
* [[Datatype:qatariRial]]
** australianDollar
* [[Datatype:renminbi]]
** argentinePeso
* [[Datatype:romanianNewLeu]]
** angolanKwanza
* [[Datatype:russianRouble]]
** netherlandsAntilleanGuilder
* [[Datatype:rwandaFranc]]
** armenianDram
* [[Datatype:saintHelenaPound]]
** albanianLek
* [[Datatype:samoanTala]]
** afghanAfghani
* [[Datatype:saudiRiyal]]
** unitedArabEmiratesDirham
* [[Datatype:serbianDinar]]
** russianRouble
* [[Datatype:seychellesRupee]]
** japaneseYen
* [[Datatype:sierraLeoneanLeone]]
** poundSterling
* [[Datatype:singaporeDollar]]
** euro
* [[Datatype:slovakKoruna]]
** usDollar
* [[Datatype:solomonIslandsDollar]]
* Density
* [[Datatype:somaliShilling]]
** gramPerMillilitre
* [[Datatype:southAfricanRand]]
** gramPerCubicCentimetre
* [[Datatype:southKoreanWon]]
** kilogramPerLitre
* [[Datatype:sriLankanRupee]]
** kilogramPerCubicMetre
* [[Datatype:sudanesePound]]
* Energy
* [[Datatype:surinamDollar]]
** footPound
* [[Datatype:swaziLilangeni]]
** inchPound
* [[Datatype:swedishKrona]]
** megacalorie
* [[Datatype:swissFranc]]
** kilocalorie
* [[Datatype:syrianPound]]
** calorie
* [[Datatype:sãoToméAndPríncipeDobra]]
** millicalorie
* [[Datatype:tajikistaniSomoni]]
** terawattHour
* [[Datatype:tanzanianShilling]]
** gigawattHour
* [[Datatype:thaiBaht]]
** megawattHour
* [[Datatype:tonganPaanga]]
** kilowattHour
* [[Datatype:trinidadAndTobagoDollar]]
** wattHour
* [[Datatype:tunisianDinar]]
** milliwattHour
* [[Datatype:turkishLira]]
** erg
* [[Datatype:turkmenistaniManat]]
** kilojoule
* [[Datatype:ugandaShilling]]
** joule
* [[Datatype:ukrainianHryvnia]]
* FlowRate
* [[Datatype:unitedArabEmiratesDirham]]
** cubicFeetPerYear
* [[Datatype:uruguayanPeso]]
** cubicMetrePerYear
* [[Datatype:usDollar]]
** cubicFeetPerSecond
* [[Datatype:uzbekistanSom]]
** cubicMetrePerSecond
* [[Datatype:vanuatuVatu]]
* Force
* [[Datatype:venezuelanBolivar]]
** poundal
* [[Datatype:westAfricanCfaFranc]]
** millipond
* [[Datatype:yemeniRial]]
** milligramForce
* [[Datatype:zambianKwacha]]
** pond
* [[Datatype:zimbabweanDollar]]
** gramForce
= [[Datatype:Density|Density]] =
** kilopond
* [[Datatype:gramPerMillilitre]]
** kilogramForce
* [[Datatype:gramPerCubicCentimetre]]
** megapond
* [[Datatype:kilogramPerLitre]]
** tonneForce
* [[Datatype:kilogramPerCubicMetre]]
** giganewton
= [[Datatype:Energy|Energy]] =
** meganewton
* [[Datatype:footPound]]
** kilonewton
* [[Datatype:inchPound]]
** millinewton
* [[Datatype:megacalorie]]
** nanonewton
* [[Datatype:kilocalorie]]
** newton
* [[Datatype:calorie]]
* FuelEfficiency
* [[Datatype:millicalorie]]
** kilometresPerLitre
* [[Datatype:terawattHour]]
** Frequency
* [[Datatype:gigawattHour]]
** gigahertz
* [[Datatype:megawattHour]]
** megahertz
* [[Datatype:kilowattHour]]
** kilohertz
* [[Datatype:wattHour]]
** millihertz
* [[Datatype:milliwattHour]]
** hertz
* [[Datatype:erg]]
* InformationUnit
* [[Datatype:kilojoule]]
** terabyte
* [[Datatype:joule]]
** gigabyte
= [[Datatype:FlowRate|FlowRate]] =
** megabyte
* [[Datatype:cubicFeetPerYear]]
** kilobyte
* [[Datatype:cubicMetrePerYear]]
** megabit
* [[Datatype:cubicFeetPerSecond]]
** kilobit
* [[Datatype:cubicMetrePerSecond]]
** bit
= [[Datatype:Force|Force]] =
** byte
* [[Datatype:poundal]]
* Length
* [[Datatype:millipond]]
** kilolightYear
* [[Datatype:milligramForce]]
** lightYear
* [[Datatype:pond]]
** astronomicalUnit
* [[Datatype:gramForce]]
** nautialMile
* [[Datatype:kilopond]]
** mile
* [[Datatype:kilogramForce]]
** furlong
* [[Datatype:megapond]]
** chain
* [[Datatype:tonneForce]]
** rod
* [[Datatype:giganewton]]
** fathom
* [[Datatype:meganewton]]
** yard
* [[Datatype:kilonewton]]
** foot
* [[Datatype:millinewton]]
** hand
* [[Datatype:nanonewton]]
** inch
* [[Datatype:newton]]
** gigametre
= [[Datatype:FuelEfficiency|FuelEfficiency]] =
** megametre
* [[Datatype:kilometresPerLitre]]
** kilometre
= [[Datatype:Frequency|Frequency]] =
** hectometre
* [[Datatype:terahertz]]
** decametre
* [[Datatype:gigahertz]]
** decimetre
* [[Datatype:megahertz]]
** centimetre
* [[Datatype:kilohertz]]
** millimetre
* [[Datatype:millihertz]]
** micrometre
* [[Datatype:hertz]]
** nanometre
= [[Datatype:InformationUnit|InformationUnit]] =
** metre
* [[Datatype:terabyte]]
* LinearMassDensity
* [[Datatype:gigabyte]]
** gramPerKilometre
* [[Datatype:megabyte]]
* Mass
* [[Datatype:kilobyte]]
** carat
* [[Datatype:megabit]]
** grain
* [[Datatype:kilobit]]
** ounce
* [[Datatype:bit]]
** pound
* [[Datatype:byte]]
** stone
= [[Datatype:Length|Length]] =
** tonne
* [[Datatype:kilolightYear]]
** kilogram
* [[Datatype:lightYear]]
** milligram
* [[Datatype:astronomicalUnit]]
** gram
* [[Datatype:nautialMile]]
* PopulationDensity
* [[Datatype:mile]]
** inhabitantsPerSquareMile
* [[Datatype:furlong]]
** inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre
* [[Datatype:chain]]
* Power
* [[Datatype:rod]]
** brake horsepower
* [[Datatype:fathom]]
** pferdestaerke
* [[Datatype:yard]]
** horsepower
* [[Datatype:foot]]
** gigawatt
* [[Datatype:hand]]
** megawatt
* [[Datatype:inch]]
** milliwatt
* [[Datatype:gigametre]]
** kilowatt
* [[Datatype:megametre]]
** watt
* [[Datatype:kilometre]]
* Pressure
* [[Datatype:hectometre]]
** poundPerSquareInch
* [[Datatype:decametre]]
** standardAtmosphere
* [[Datatype:decimetre]]
** bar
* [[Datatype:centimetre]]
** decibar
* [[Datatype:millimetre]]
** millibar
* [[Datatype:micrometre]]
** megapascal
* [[Datatype:nanometre]]
** kilopascal
* [[Datatype:metre]]
** hectopascal
= [[Datatype:LinearMassDensity|LinearMassDensity]] =
** millipascal
* [[Datatype:gramPerKilometre]]
** pascal
= [[Datatype:Mass|Mass]] =
* Speed
* [[Datatype:carat]]
** knot
* [[Datatype:grain]]
** footPerMinute
* [[Datatype:ounce]]
** footPerSecond
* [[Datatype:pound]]
** milePerHour
* [[Datatype:stone]]
** kilometrePerSecond
* [[Datatype:tonne]]
** metrePerSecond
* [[Datatype:kilogram]]
** kilometrePerHour
* [[Datatype:milligram]]
* Temperature
* [[Datatype:gram]]
** degreeRankine
= [[Datatype:PopulationDensity|PopulationDensity]] =
** degreeFahrenheit
* [[Datatype:inhabitantsPerSquareMile]]
** kelvin
* [[Datatype:inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre]]
** degreeCelsius
* [[Datatype:peoplePerSquareKilometer]]: '''duplicate, should be deleted'''
* Time
= [[Datatype:Power|Power]] =
** day
* [[Datatype:brakeHorsepower]], see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower#Brake_horsepower en.wikipedia]. This is like horsepower but of an engine stripped from auxiliary components, so as to maximize the measurement.
** hour
* [[Datatype:pferdestaerke]], see [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pferdestärke de.wikipedia]. '''I think should be merged with horsepower'''
** minute
* [[Datatype:horsepower]], see [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horsepower en.wikipedia]
** second
* [[Datatype:gigawatt]]
* Torque
* [[Datatype:megawatt]]
** poundFoot
* [[Datatype:milliwatt]]
** newtonCentimetre
* [[Datatype:kilowatt]]
** newtonMillimetre
* [[Datatype:watt]]
** newtonMetre
* Volume
= [[Datatype:ElectricCurrent|ElectricCurrent]] =
** usGallon
* [[Datatype:ampere]]
** imperialGallon
* [[Datatype:kiloampere]]
** usBarrelOil
* [[Datatype:milliampere]]
** imperialBarrelOil
* [[Datatype:microampere]]
** usBarrel
= [[Datatype:Voltage|Voltage]] =
** imperialBarrel
* [[Datatype:volt]]
** cubicInch
* [[Datatype:megavolt]]
** cubicFoot
* [[Datatype:kilovolt]]
** cubicYard
* [[Datatype:millivolt]]
** cubicMile
* [[Datatype:microvolt]]
** gigalitre
= [[Datatype:Pressure|Pressure]] =
** megalitre
* [[Datatype:poundPerSquareInch]]
** kilolitre
* [[Datatype:standardAtmosphere]]
** hectolitre
* [[Datatype:bar]]
** litre
* [[Datatype:decibar]]
** decilitre
* [[Datatype:millibar]]
** centilitre
* [[Datatype:megapascal]]
** millilitre
* [[Datatype:kilopascal]]
** microlitre
* [[Datatype:hectopascal]]
** cubicKilometre
* [[Datatype:millipascal]]
** cubicHectometre
* [[Datatype:pascal]]
** cubicDecametre
= [[Datatype:Speed|Speed]] =
** cubicDecimetre
* [[Datatype:knot]]
** cubicCentimetre
* [[Datatype:footPerMinute]]
** cubicMillimetre
* [[Datatype:footPerSecond]]
** cubicMetre
* [[Datatype:milePerHour]]
* [[Datatype:kilometrePerSecond]]
* [[Datatype:metrePerSecond]]
* [[Datatype:kilometrePerHour]]
= [[Datatype:Temperature|Temperature]] =
* [[Datatype:degreeRankine]]
* [[Datatype:degreeFahrenheit]]
* [[Datatype:kelvin]]
* [[Datatype:degreeCelsius]]
= [[Datatype:Time|Time]] =
* [[Datatype:day]]
* [[Datatype:hour]]
* [[Datatype:minute]]
* [[Datatype:second]]
* [[Datatype:millisecond]]
= [[Datatype:Torque|Torque]] =
* [[Datatype:poundFoot]]
* [[Datatype:newtonCentimetre]]
* [[Datatype:newtonMillimetre]]
* [[Datatype:newtonMetre]]
= [[Datatype:Volume|Volume]] =
* [[Datatype:usGallon]]
* [[Datatype:imperialGallon]]
* [[Datatype:usBarrelOil]]
* [[Datatype:imperialBarrelOil]]
* [[Datatype:usBarrel]]
* [[Datatype:imperialBarrel]]
* [[Datatype:cubicInch]]
* [[Datatype:cubicFoot]]
* [[Datatype:cubicYard]]
* [[Datatype:cubicMile]]
* [[Datatype:gigalitre]]
* [[Datatype:megalitre]]
* [[Datatype:kilolitre]]
* [[Datatype:hectolitre]]
* [[Datatype:litre]]
* [[Datatype:decilitre]]
* [[Datatype:centilitre]]
* [[Datatype:millilitre]]
* [[Datatype:microlitre]]
* [[Datatype:cubicKilometre]]
* [[Datatype:cubicHectometre]]
* [[Datatype:cubicDecametre]]
* [[Datatype:cubicDecimetre]]
* [[Datatype:cubicCentimetre]]
* [[Datatype:cubicMillimetre]]
* [[Datatype:cubicMetre]]
= Other =
* [[Datatype:pH]]
= Unknown =
I think '''should be deleted'''
* [[Datatype:valvetrain]]
* [[Datatype:engineConfiguration]]
* [[Datatype:fuelType]]
* [[Datatype:minority]]
* [[Datatype:people]]

Latest revision as of 11:16, 20 January 2015

DBpedia defines datatypes for units and dimensions.

The page below shows a "hierarchy" of datatypes, although there's no such thing as subClassOf for datatypes (see #22). In PropertyMapping.unit you can specify:

{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = altura | ontologyProperty = height | unit = Length }}
  • Or a specific datatype, in which case the templateProperty carries a pure number, which is interpreted as the provided unit. Eg in Mapping_en:Infobox_street:
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_ft | ontologyProperty = length | unit = foot}}

In both cases:

XML and RDF Datatypes

























I think should be deleted