OntologyClass:AustralianFootballLeague: Difference between revisions

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| rdfs:label@en = australian football league
| labels =
| rdfs:label@de = Australian Football League
{{label|it|lega di football australiano}}
| rdfs:label@es = liga de fútbol australiana
{{label|en|australian football league}}
| rdfs:label@el = αυστραλιανό πρωτάθλημα ποδοσφαίρου
{{label|de|Australian Football League}}
| rdfs:label@fr = australian football league
{{label|es|liga de fútbol australiana}}
| rdfs:label@pt = liga de futebol australiano
{{label|el|αυστραλιανό πρωτάθλημα ποδοσφαίρου}}
| rdfs:label@ja = オーストラリアン・フットボール・リーグ
{{label|fr|australian football league}}
| rdfs:label@ko = 오스트레일리안 풋볼 리그
{{label|pt|liga de futebol australiano}}
| rdfs:label@nl = australian football competitie
| labels = {{label|it|lega di football australiano}}
{{label|ko|오스트레일리안 풋볼 리그}}
| rdfs:comment@en = A group of sports teams that compete against each other in australian football.
{{label|nl|australian football competitie}}
| rdfs:comment@el = Μια ομάδα αθλητικών ομάδων που ανταγωνίζονται μεταξύ τους σε αυστραλιανό ποδόσφαιρο.
| comments =
{{comment|en|A group of sports teams that compete against each other in australian football.}}
{{comment|el|Μια ομάδα αθλητικών ομάδων που ανταγωνίζονται μεταξύ τους σε αυστραλιανό ποδόσφαιρο.}}
| rdfs:subClassOf = SportsLeague
| rdfs:subClassOf = SportsLeague

Revision as of 19:34, 21 March 2015

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rdfs:label (it)lega di football australiano
rdfs:label (en)australian football league
rdfs:label (de)Australian Football League
rdfs:label (es)liga de fútbol australiana
rdfs:label (el)αυστραλιανό πρωτάθλημα ποδοσφαίρου
rdfs:label (fr)australian football league
rdfs:label (pt)liga de futebol australiano
rdfs:label (ja)オーストラリアン・フットボール・リーグ
rdfs:label (ko)오스트레일리안 풋볼 리그
rdfs:label (nl)australian football competitie
rdfs:comment (en)A group of sports teams that compete against each other in australian football.
rdfs:comment (el)Μια ομάδα αθλητικών ομάδων που ανταγωνίζονται μεταξύ τους σε αυστραλιανό ποδόσφαιρο.
rdfs:subClassOf SportsLeague