Mapping en:Infobox Scottish island: Difference between revisions

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Line 1: Line 1:
{{ DBpediaTemplateMapping
{{ TemplateMapping
| mapToClass = Island
| mapToClass = Island
| mappings =
| mappings =  
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = archipelago | ontologyProperty = archipelago }}
{{ConstantMapping | ontologyProperty = country | value = Scotland }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = total islands | ontologyProperty = numberOfIslands }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = island group | ontologyProperty = archipelago }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = major islands | ontologyProperty = majorIsland }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = celtic name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = country 1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = local authority | ontologyProperty = unitaryAuthority }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = country 2 | ontologyProperty = country }}
    {{ GeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coordinates | latitude = latitude | longitude = longitude }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = Area }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = native name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = highest elevation | ontologyProperty = maximumElevation | unit = Length }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = nickname | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = main settlement | ontologyProperty = largestSettlement }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = location | ontologyProperty = location }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population | ontologyProperty = populationTotal }}
{{ DBpediaGeocoordinatesMapping | coordinates = coordinates }}
    {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population density | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = PopulationDensity }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = area | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = Area }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_sqmi | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareMile }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareKilometre }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = length | ontologyProperty = length | unit = Length }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_mi | ontologyProperty = length | unit = mile }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = length_km | ontologyProperty = length | unit = kilometre }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = width | ontologyProperty = width | unit = Length }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = width_mi | ontologyProperty = width | unit = mile }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = width_km | ontologyProperty = width | unit = kilometre }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_ft | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = foot }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation_m | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = metre }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = elevation | ontologyProperty = elevation | unit = Length }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = country capital | ontologyProperty = capital }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = country largest city | ontologyProperty = largestCity }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = population | ontologyProperty = populationTotal }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = population as of | ontologyProperty = populationAsOf }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = density | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = PopulationDensity }}
{{ DBpediaPropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnic groups | ontologyProperty = ethnicGroup }}

Latest revision as of 14:57, 28 July 2011

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template Infobox Scottish island. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

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Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class Island


Constant Mapping (help)
ontology property country
value Scotland

Property Mapping (help)
template property island group
ontology property archipelago

Property Mapping (help)
template property official_name
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property celtic name
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property local authority
ontology property unitaryAuthority
Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
coordinates template property coordinates
latitude template property latitude
longitude template property longitude

Property Mapping (help)
template property area
ontology property areaTotal

Property Mapping (help)
template property highest elevation
ontology property maximumElevation

Property Mapping (help)
template property main settlement
ontology property largestSettlement

Property Mapping (help)
template property population
ontology property populationTotal

Property Mapping (help)
template property population density
ontology property populationDensity