Ontology Editing
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Ontology Schema Definition Language
The language consists of the following templates to cover the ontology schema definition:
The Class template offers the following template parameters:
- rdfs:label
- rdfs:comment
- rdfs:subClassOf
- owl:equivalentClass
The DatatypeProperty template offers the following template parameters:
- rdfs:label
- rdfs:comment
- rdfs:domain
- rdfs:range
- owl:equivalentProperty
The ObjectProperty template offers the following template parameters:
- rdfs:label
- rdfs:comment
- rdfs:domain
- rdfs:range
- owl:equivalentProperty
The definition of the DBpedia ontology class Person:
{{Class | rdfs:label = Person }}
The definition of the DBpedia ontology property height:
{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label = height | rdfs:domain = Person | rdfs:range = centimeter }}