User talk:Jplu

From DBpedia Mappings
Revision as of 15:41, 17 January 2014 by GerardKuys (talk | contribs) (Added question on two properties)
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Hi Julien,

Could you please explain what you had in mind when adding the properties 'shoeSize' and 'penisLength'? Do they serve a particular goal or were they just a (bad) joke?



Hi Julien,

I also deleted three classes you created (JapanPrefecture, FrenchIntercommunality & AmericanState) We *should* get the place from other prorties like "country" etc not the class itself

Best, Dimitris Jimkont 14:47, 7 June 2013 (UTC)

Hi Jplu,

Recently, I noticed tht you have added to the DBpedia ontology a set of classes, a set of which each new class denotes nothing else than just a particular geographical region of the same type of class. I have in mind the subclasses you defined for superclasses Settlement and AdministrativeRegion, designating a Settlement in such and such country: AlgerianSettlement etc.

In my honest opinion, there really is no need to proliferate subclasses in this way. If you want to see individuals of the Settlement class for a particular country, there is the 'country' property you can use as a selection criteria. If it is because of any mapping you might want to make, you can add a constant mapping to your mapped template, saying that for this template the 'country' property should always point to Algeria, for instance.

If there would be a tendency for the DBpedia ontology to expand subclasses for any possible combination of criteria, I fear that to a great extent this would harm the usefulness of the ontology. If there is any particular kind of problem you might want to solve by adding subclasses in this way, I would be happy to think with you how this problem could be solved in another way.

With kind regards,

GerardKuys 07:56, 7 June 2013 (UTC)


I removed all the class and replaced them by a constant like you said.
