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Revision as of 07:07, 23 September 2014 by GerardKuys (talk | contribs) (Specified domain)
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It has been suggested that this page be merged with OntologyProperty:owningOrganisation. (Discuss)

This is the definition of an ontology property.

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Ontology object property (help)
rdfs:label (en)owner
rdfs:label (nl)eigenaar
rdfs:label (de)Eigentümer
rdfs:label (el)ιδιοκτήτης
rdfs:label (fr)propriétaire
rdfs:label (es)dueño
rdfs:comment@en Used as if meaning: owned by, has as its owner
rdfs:domain Thing
rdfs:range Agent
rdfs:subPropertyOf dul:sameSettingAs