User contributions for Nikola.obreshkov
From DBpedia Mappings
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30 April 2012
- 12:2512:25, 30 April 2012 diff hist +3,472 N Mapping bg:Жена монарх Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Monarch | mappings = {{ DateIntervalMapping | templateProperty = управление | startDateOntologyProperty = startDate | endDateOn...'
- 12:2112:21, 30 April 2012 diff hist +245 m Mapping bg:Монарх No edit summary
- 12:1012:10, 30 April 2012 diff hist +2,749 N Mapping bg:Монарх Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Monarch | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = роден | ontologyProperty = birthDate }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProp...'
- 12:1012:10, 30 April 2012 diff hist +2 m OntologyProperty:Dynasty No edit summary
- 11:3311:33, 30 April 2012 diff hist +101 N OntologyProperty:Dynasty Created page with '{{ ObjectProperty | rdfs:label@en = dynasty | rdfs:domain = Monarch | rdfs:range = xsd:string }}'
- 11:1911:19, 30 April 2012 diff hist +4,058 N Mapping bg:Музикант инфо Created page with '{{ ConditionalMapping | cases = {{ Condition | templateProperty = Бивши_членове | operator = isSet | mapping = {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Band }} }} {{ C...' current
- 11:0811:08, 30 April 2012 diff hist +1 m Mapping bg:Музикален изпълнител No edit summary
- 11:0511:05, 30 April 2012 diff hist +139 N OntologyProperty:NumberOfLaunches Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = number of launches | rdfs:domain = MeanOfTransportation | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 11:0411:04, 30 April 2012 diff hist +12 m OntologyProperty:NumberOfCrew No edit summary
- 10:4710:47, 30 April 2012 diff hist +2,153 N Mapping bg:Самолет инфо Created page with '{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Aircraft | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = оръдие | ontologyProperty = gun }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty ...'
- 10:3010:30, 30 April 2012 diff hist +100 N OntologyProperty:WingArea Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = wing area | rdfs:domain = Aircraft | rdfs:range = Area }}'
- 10:2810:28, 30 April 2012 diff hist +123 N OntologyProperty:NumberOfCrew Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = number of crew | rdfs:domain = Aircraft | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 10:2010:20, 30 April 2012 diff hist +101 N OntologyProperty:Wingspan Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = wingspan | rdfs:domain = Aircraft | rdfs:range = Length }}'
- 10:1310:13, 30 April 2012 diff hist +126 N OntologyProperty:NumberOfRockets Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = number of rockets | rdfs:domain = Aircraft | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 10:1210:12, 30 April 2012 diff hist +124 N OntologyProperty:NumberOfBombs Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = number of bombs | rdfs:domain = Aircraft | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 10:1010:10, 30 April 2012 diff hist +109 N OntologyProperty:Gun Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = aircraft gun | rdfs:domain = Aircraft | rdfs:range = xsd:string }}'
- 10:0310:03, 30 April 2012 diff hist +909 N Mapping bg:Картина Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Painting | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = височина | ontologyProperty = height }} {{ PropertyMapping | templatePr...' current
- 09:5709:57, 30 April 2012 diff hist +96 N OntologyProperty:Museum Created page with '{{ ObjectProperty | rdfs:label@en = museum | rdfs:domain = Artwork | rdfs:range = Museum }}'
- 09:5609:56, 30 April 2012 diff hist +98 N OntologyProperty:Painter Created page with '{{ ObjectProperty | rdfs:label@en = painter | rdfs:domain = Artwork | rdfs:range = Person }}'
29 April 2012
- 12:1212:12, 29 April 2012 diff hist −1,477 Mapping bg:Музикален изпълнител No edit summary
- 12:0912:09, 29 April 2012 diff hist +4,048 N Mapping bg:Музикален изпълнител Created page with '{{ConditionalMapping | cases = {{ Condition | templateProperty = състав | operator = isSet | mapping = {{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Band }} }} {{ Condition | te...'
- 11:5411:54, 29 April 2012 diff hist +474 N Mapping bg:Кутия кирилска буква Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Letter | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Начало | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} {{ PropertyMapping | templatePrope...' current
- 11:5111:51, 29 April 2012 diff hist +102 N OntologyProperty:Unicode Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = unicode | rdfs:domain = Letter | rdfs:range = xsd:string }}'
- 11:4811:48, 29 April 2012 diff hist +118 N OntologyClass:Letter Created page with '{{ Class | rdfs:label@en = letter | rdfs:comment@en = A letter from the alphabet. | rdfs:subClassOf = Language }}'
- 11:4211:42, 29 April 2012 diff hist +1,885 N Mapping bg:Софтуер инфо Created page with '{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Software | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = разработчик | ontologyProperty = developer }} {{ PropertyMapp...' current
- 11:3511:35, 29 April 2012 diff hist +2,246 N Mapping bg:Автомобил Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Automobile | correspondingClass = Automobile | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = име | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} {{...' current
- 11:2311:23, 29 April 2012 diff hist +278 Mapping bg:Съзвездие No edit summary
- 11:1811:18, 29 April 2012 diff hist +1,183 N Mapping bg:Съзвездие Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Constellation | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = име | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} {{ PropertyMapping | templatePro...'
- 11:1711:17, 29 April 2012 diff hist +103 N OntologyProperty:Month Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = month | rdfs:domain = owl:Thing | rdfs:range = xsd:string }}'
- 11:1511:15, 29 April 2012 diff hist +129 N OntologyProperty:RightAscension Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = right ascension | rdfs:domain = Constellation | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 11:1411:14, 29 April 2012 diff hist +125 N OntologyProperty:Declination Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = declination | rdfs:domain = Constellation | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 11:0811:08, 29 April 2012 diff hist +126 N OntologyProperty:NeighbourConstellations Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = neighbour constellations | rdfs:domain = Constellation | rdfs:range = xsd:string }}'
- 11:0311:03, 29 April 2012 diff hist +129 N OntologyProperty:NumberOfStars Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = number of stars | rdfs:domain = Constellation | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 10:5510:55, 29 April 2012 diff hist +692 N Mapping bg:ТВ канал Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = TelevisionStation | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Дата на стартиране | ontologyProperty = serviceStartDat...' current
- 10:4810:48, 29 April 2012 diff hist +79 Mapping bg:Президент инфо No edit summary
- 10:3910:39, 29 April 2012 diff hist +1,831 N Mapping bg:Президент инфо Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = OfficeHolder | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = име | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} {{ PropertyMapping | templatePrope...'
- 10:0910:09, 29 April 2012 diff hist +714 N Mapping bg:Състезание Ф1 Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = FormulaOneRacing | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = дължина писта | ontologyProperty = circuitLength }} {{ Pro...' current
- 10:0310:03, 29 April 2012 diff hist +157 N OntologyProperty:RaceLength Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = race length | rdfs:domain = FormulaOneRacing | rdfs:range = Length <!-- | rdf:type = owl:FunctionalProperty --> }}'
- 10:0210:02, 29 April 2012 diff hist +160 N OntologyProperty:CircuitLength Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = circuit length | rdfs:domain = FormulaOneRacing | rdfs:range = Length <!-- | rdf:type = owl:FunctionalProperty --> }}'
- 09:4409:44, 29 April 2012 diff hist +131 N OntologyProperty:NumberOfLaps Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = number of laps | rdfs:domain = FormulaOneRacing | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 09:4209:42, 29 April 2012 diff hist +117 N OntologyProperty:CircuitName Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = circuit name | rdfs:domain = FormulaOneRacing | rdfs:range = xsd:string }}'
- 09:3709:37, 29 April 2012 diff hist +83 N OntologyClass:FormulaOneRacing Created page with '{{ Class | rdfs:label@en = formula one racing | rdfs:subClassOf = SportsLeague }}'
- 09:2709:27, 29 April 2012 diff hist +1,951 N Mapping bg:Сингъл Created page with '{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Single | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Име | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ...' current
- 09:1609:16, 29 April 2012 diff hist +4,960 N Mapping bg:ТВ продукция Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = TelevisionShow | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Име на български | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} {{ Prope...'
- 00:0800:08, 29 April 2012 diff hist −26 Mapping bg:Инфо национален парк No edit summary current
- 00:0800:08, 29 April 2012 diff hist +1,174 N Mapping bg:Инфо национален парк Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = ProtectedArea | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = Брой посетители | ontologyProperty = numberOfVisitors }} {{ ...'
28 April 2012
- 23:5723:57, 28 April 2012 diff hist +567 N Mapping bg:Заболяване Created page with '{{ TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Disease | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = МКБ10 | ontologyProperty = icd10 }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ...'
- 23:5223:52, 28 April 2012 diff hist +1,429 N Mapping bg:Висше училище инфо Created page with '{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = University | mappings = {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty = име | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }} {{ PropertyMapping | templateProperty...'
- 23:5123:51, 28 April 2012 diff hist +147 N OntologyProperty:NumberOfAcademicStaff Created page with '{{ DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = number of academic staff | rdfs:domain = EducationalInstitution | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger }}'
- 23:2923:29, 28 April 2012 diff hist −21 m Mapping bg:Песен No edit summary current