User:לערי ריינהארט

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Revision as of 05:41, 27 May 2012 by לערי ריינהארט (talk | contribs) (
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last update: 04:41, 27 May 2012 (UTC)

also at / auch bei wikipedia:de:user:לערי ריינהארט
languages: German (native), Romanian (I lived there 26 years), Esperanto, English, basic knowledge of Russian, Yiddish, French, Icelandic
born 1956 but retired since 2001, Wikipedian since 2004, still admin at yi, eo and some other small languages, MediaWiki tester with focus on BiDirectional issues (combined Left to Right and Right to Left) writing, at LibraryThing since 2007
today involved in "VIAF inter project linking"

2011-08-16: ... "Menschen sind zu traurig um sich noch zu hassen" ...
Gestern war der Geburtstag von Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger (VIAF: 74132853)
2011-08-17: to dos: mapping for

  1. de:template:FIDE
  2. de:template:ChessGamesDb
  3. de:template:365ChessDb
  4. de:template:ChessProblemDb