Template:Mapping main page

From DBpedia Mappings
Revision as of 20:47, 1 June 2012 by Chrisahn (talk | contribs)
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Mappings from {{{1}}}.wikipedia.org to {{{1}}}.dbpedia.org


Welcome to the mappings for DBpedia {{{2}}}! Here's where your contributions have the greatest impact:

  • Consider starting the {{{2}}} DBpedia chapter if {{{1}}}.dbpedia.org is not yet available.
  • Take a look at the statistics about mapped templates and properties to see which of them occur most often in {{{1}}}.wikipedia.org and how many are already mapped.
  • Fix some errors in the mappings. Note that if this list is empty, some mappings may still be wrong. We report an error if a mapping references an ontology class or property that does not exist (and other simple errors), but we cannot check if the referenced ontology item is the correct one, if the mapping references a template property (or even a whole template) that does not exist on {{{1}}}.wikipedia.org, and so on.
  • Fix some errors in the ontology (not specific for {{{2}}}). Again, if this list is empty, a lot may still be missing, awkward or wrong in the DBpedia ontology. We report an error if an item references a class that does not exist (and other simple errors), but we cannot check if the sub-class relations make sense, if the domains and ranges of the properties are correct, and so on.
  • Make sure that all ontology classes, properties and data types have labels and comments in {{{2}}}.

Existing mappings

This list might have been truncated. The [[Special:AllPages/Mapping_{{{1}}}:|complete list]] may fill multiple pages.
