Mapping es:Ficha de noble

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Revision as of 16:54, 2 March 2013 by Marianorico (talk | contribs)
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This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template Ficha de noble. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class Noble


Property Mapping (help)
template property nombre
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property título
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property imagen
ontology property foaf:depiction

Property Mapping (help)
template property fecha de nacimiento
ontology property birthDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property padre
ontology property parent

Property Mapping (help)
template property madre
ontology property parent

Property Mapping (help)
template property fecha de defunción
ontology property deathDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property lugar de nacimiento
ontology property birthPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property lugar de entierro
ontology property buriedPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property cónyuge
ontology property spouse

Property Mapping (help)
template property lugar de defunción
ontology property deathPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property nombre completo
ontology property foaf:name

|títuloX = |subtítuloX = |reinadoX = |mandatoX = |predecesorX = |sucesorX = |casa real = |dinastía = |padre = OK |madre = OK |consorte = |cónyuge = |regente = |heredero = |descendencia = |apodo = |lealtad = |fuerza = |unidad = |condecoraciones = |mandos = |conflictos = |firma = |escudo = |lema =

SACADO DE mapeo de versión inglesa

Property Mapping (help)
template property name
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property full name
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property title
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property death_place
ontology property deathPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property death_date
ontology property deathDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property birth_place
ontology property birthPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property birth_date
ontology property birthDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property burial_place
ontology property buriedPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property place of burial
ontology property buriedPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property father
ontology property parent

Property Mapping (help)
template property mother
ontology property parent

Property Mapping (help)
template property spouse
ontology property spouse

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property reign
start date ontology property activeYearsStartYear
end date ontology property activeYearsEndYear

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property occupation
ontology property occupation
