For extracting multiple values from a single property it is necessary to introduce an intermediate node. {{IntermediateNodeMapping}} allows to express mappings from Wikipedia template properties to ontology properties on an additional node and to connect the additional node to the mapped instance.
{{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = | correspondingProperty = | mappings = }}
- nodeClass, correspondingProperty: Creates an additional node of the type nodeClass, which will be connected to the instance extracted from template by the property provided by correspondingProperty.
- mappings: Mappings map template properties to ontology properties, they have to be defined by using PropertyMapping, IntermediateNodeMapping, or a CustomMapping.
The template property engine on the template Infobox Automobile can contain a list of engine numbers and the corresponding power and torque.
{{Infobox Automobile | name = Volkswagen Passat | engine = 1.6L 35 kW 135 Nm <br> 1.8L 75 PS 140 Nm }}
The template property engine on the template Infobox Automobile is mapped to an intermediate node of the type AutomobileEngine via the ontology property engine. For this purpose we use a DBpediaIntermediateNodeMapping which defines this connection property (engine) and the mappings from values occuring in the template values of the template property engine to ontology properties on AutomobileEngine.
{{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = Automobile | mappings = {{IntermediateNodeMapping | nodeClass = AutomobileEngine | correspondingProperty = Automobile/engine | mappings = {{PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = AutomobileEngine/number | templateProperty = engine }} {{PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = AutomobileEngine/power | templateProperty = engine | unit = Power }} {{PropertyMapping | ontologyProperty = AutomobileEngine/torque | templateProperty = engine | unit = newtonMeter }} }} }}