Mapping be:НП-Польшча

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This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template НП-Польшча. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class PopulatedPlace


Property Mapping (help)
template property насельніцтва
ontology property populationTotal

Property Mapping (help)
template property статус
ontology property status

Property Mapping (help)
template property тэлефонны код
ontology property areaCode

Property Mapping (help)
template property беларуская назва
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property год перапісу
ontology property populationAsOf

Property Mapping (help)
template property плошча
ontology property areaTotal

Property Mapping (help)
template property глава
ontology property leaderName

Property Mapping (help)
template property паштовы індэкс
ontology property postalCode

Property Mapping (help)
template property сайт
ontology property foaf:homepage

Property Mapping (help)
template property дата заснавання
ontology property foundingDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property сцяг
ontology property flag

Property Mapping (help)
template property паштовыя індэксы
ontology property postalCode

Property Mapping (help)
template property арыгінальная назва
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property афіцыйная мова
ontology property language

Property Mapping (help)
template property шчыльнасць
ontology property populationDensity
Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
longitude degrees template property lon_deg
longitude minutes template property lon_min
longitude seconds template property lon_sec
longitude direction template property lon_dir
latitude degrees template property lat_deg
latitude minutes template property lat_min
latitude seconds template property lat_sec
latitude direction template property lat_dir