HistoricalCountry (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): voormalig land
Label (ur): تاریخی ملک
Label (ga): tír stairiúil
Label (fr): ancien pays
Label (en): Historical country
Label (de): historischer Land
Comment (en): ایک ایسی جگہ جو ایک ملک ہوا کرتی تھی۔
Super classes: Country

Properties on HistoricalCountry:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
continent (edit) continent Country Continent links a country to the continent it belongs
europeanUnionEntranceDate (edit) european union entrance date Country xsd:date
numberOfMinistries (edit) number of ministries Country xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfMusicalArtistEntities (edit) number of MuscialArtist class (entities) in DBpedia Country xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfPersonEntities (edit) number of Person class (entities) in DBpedia Country xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfSettlementsInCountry (edit) number of entities of Settlement class in country Country xsd:nonNegativeInteger
topLevelDomain (edit) country top level (tld) Country TopLevelDomain
twinCountry (edit) twin country Country Country
wordBefore (edit) word before the country Country xsd:string