Statistics for template Infobox Asteroid and its DBpedia mapping

34.21 % properties are mapped ( 13 of 38 ).

53.53 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( de ) are mapped ( 47962 of 89600 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
5704 Bahnneigung
5704 Entdeckungsdatum
5704 Exzentrizität
5704 Name
5704 SSD_ID
5703 Große_Halbachse
5700 Absolute_Helligkeit
5690 Umlaufdauer
5684 Aphel
5684 Perihel
5334 anderer_Name
4429 Umlaufgeschwindigkeit
3488 Durchmesser
3203 Knoten
2848 Rotationsperiode
2844 Albedo
2668 Periwinkel
2460 Epoche
2215 Spektralklasse
1287 Orbittyp
609 Dichte
601 Masse
361 Entdecker
91 Bild
67 Bildtext
34 Familie
8 Abmessungen
4 Smass
3 Tholen
0 AlbedoRef
0 DichteRef
0 HelligkeitRef
0 MasseRef
0 RotationRef
0 SmassRef
0 SpektralklasseRef
0 TholenRef