Statistics for template Infobox Municipio in Bolivien and its DBpedia mapping

63.64 % properties are mapped ( 14 of 22 ).

77.41 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( de ) are mapped ( 3348 of 4325 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
339 Bev
339 Breitengrad
339 Departamento
339 Jahr
339 Klimadiagramm
339 Längengrad
339 Name
338 Klima
337 Vorwahl
331 Höhe
321 Fläche
295 PLZ
89 Bild 1
87 Text Bild 1
61 Text Bild 2
60 Bild 2
17 Bürgermeister
13 VName
3 BevRef
0 Provinz
0 Zentraler Ort