Statistics for template Equipo FIBA and its DBpedia mapping

0.00 % properties are mapped ( 0 of 22 ).

0.00 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( gl ) are mapped ( 0 of 1827 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
195 nome
194 cores
194 fundado
177 liga
173 sitio_web
170 presidente
168 adestrador
129 imaxe
79 imagesize
70 patrocinador
70 vestimenta
59 historia
54 nome_completo
40 alcume
22 outros
17 desaparecido
6 outros1
5 seareiros
3 outros2
2 mascota
0 tempada_en_curso