Statistics for template 基礎情報 オーストラリアの州 and its DBpedia mapping

0.00 % properties are mapped ( 0 of 50 ).

0.00 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( ja ) are mapped ( 0 of 324 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
8 AreaRank
8 Capital
8 ChiefParty
8 ChiefType
8 Density
8 DensityRank
8 Emblem1
8 Emblem2
8 Emblem_title1
8 Emblem_title2
8 Flag
8 GSPPerCapita
8 GSPPerCapitaRank
8 GSPRank
8 GSPYear
8 HighestElev
8 HighestPoint
8 HouseSeats
8 ISOCode
8 LandArea
8 Map
8 Name
8 Nickname
8 PercentWater
8 Population
8 PopulationRank
8 PopulationYear
8 SenateSeats
8 TimeZone
8 TotalArea
8 ViceroyType
8 WaterArea
7 Emblem3
7 Emblem_title3
7 PostalAbbreviation
6 CoatOfArms
5 Emblem4
5 Emblem_title4
5 Motto
4 Emblem5
4 Emblem_title5
2 Emblem6
2 Emblem_title6
2 LowestElev
2 LowestPoint
1 LowestElev_ft
1 Viceroy
0 Chief
0 Footnotes