0.00 % properties are mapped ( 0 of 16 ).
0.00 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( nl ) are mapped ( 0 of 70 ).
property is mapped |
property is not mapped |
property is mapped but not found in the template definition |
property is ignored |
occurrences | property |
6 | Japanse naam |
6 | Naam |
6 | Regio |
6 | Stad |
4 | Adres |
4 | Bevolking |
4 | Datum |
4 | Dichtheid |
4 | Gemeentenummer |
4 | Kaart |
4 | Kaart2 |
4 | Oppervlakte |
4 | Postcode |
4 | Telefoonnummer |
4 | Website |
2 | Prefectuur |