Statistics for template Infobox zeilboot and its DBpedia mapping

47.83 % properties are mapped ( 11 of 23 ).

63.28 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( nl ) are mapped ( 386 of 610 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
53 lengte
52 naam
50 breedte
43 grootzeil
41 architect
41 massa
40 bemanning
36 diepgang
36 zeilteken
35 foto
28 fok
27 spinnaker
23 jaar
22 organisatie
21 zeiloppervlakte
15 materiaal_romp
13 genua
12 sw
9 status
6 foto_bijschrift
4 tuigage
2 materiaal_rondhout
1 zeilteken_bijschrift