5.26 % properties are mapped ( 1 of 19 ).
26.95 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( nl ) are mapped ( 3077 of 11418 ).
property is mapped |
property is not mapped |
property is mapped but not found in the template definition |
property is ignored |
occurrences | property |
3077 | jaar |
2227 | tour |
2066 | giro |
1966 | vuelta |
693 | te |
501 | ge |
453 | ve |
116 | ttrui1 |
87 | gtrui1 |
76 | vtrui1 |
48 | ttrui2 |
41 | gtrui2 |
20 | vtrui2 |
13 | tdiskw |
12 | gdiskw |
8 | vdiskw |
6 | gcom |
6 | tcom |
2 | vcom |