0.00 % properties are mapped ( 0 of 13 ).
0.00 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( pl ) are mapped ( 0 of 236 ).
property is mapped |
property is not mapped |
property is mapped but not found in the template definition |
property is ignored |
occurrences | property |
47 | Nazwa |
45 | Wielkosc |
44 | Uklad |
36 | WielkoscOzn |
18 | Nazwisko |
16 | JednPodstawowa |
10 | Etymologia |
9 | SI-jedn |
7 | Wymiar |
3 | CGS-jedn |
1 | Imp-jedn |
0 | emCGS-jedn |
0 | esCGS-jedn |