Statistics for template Суб'єкт РФ and its DBpedia mapping

0.00 % properties are mapped ( 0 of 29 ).

0.00 % of all property occurrences in Wikipedia ( uk ) are mapped ( 0 of 1738 ).

The color codes:
property is mapped
property is not mapped
property is mapped but not found in the template definition
property is ignored
occurrences property
na arearnk
na cadno
na fsctrnm
na popqty
na poprnk
na totarea
85 CoALnk
85 FSCoA
85 FSCtrNm
85 FSCtrWhat
85 PopCtDate
85 PopDens
85 PopQty
85 RuNm
85 TotArea
85 UkNm
84 FSFlag
84 FedDistrNm
83 EcRegNm
83 FlagLnk
81 AreaRnk
81 PopRnk
80 WaterPrcnt
79 FSMapName
68 CadNo
37 OfLangs
26 OfNm1
10 FSAnthem
6 FSMap
3 OfNm2
1 гімн
0 Примечания