Label (nl): | ruimtevaartuig |
Label (el): | διαστημόπλοιο |
Label (ko): | 우주선 |
Label (ur): | خلائی جہاز |
Label (ga): | spásárthach |
Label (fr): | vaisseau spatial |
Label (en): | spacecraft |
Label (ja): | 宇宙機 |
Label (de): | Raumfahrzeug |
Super classes: | MeanOfTransportation |
Name | Label | Domain | Range | Comment |
assembly (edit) | assembly | MeanOfTransportation | owl:Thing | |
cargoFuel (edit) | cargo fuel | Spacecraft | Mass | |
cargoGas (edit) | cargo gas | Spacecraft | Mass | |
cargoWater (edit) | cargo water | Spacecraft | Mass | |
crew (edit) | crew | Spacecraft | SpaceMission | |
decay (edit) | decay | Spacecraft | xsd:date | |
dischargeAverage (edit) | discharge average | MeanOfTransportation | FlowRate | |
dockedTime (edit) | docked time | Spacecraft | Time | |
dryCargo (edit) | dry cargo | Spacecraft | Mass | |
enginePower (edit) | engine power | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:positiveInteger | Power to be expressed in Watts (kiloWatt, megaWatt) |
engineType (edit) | engine type | MeanOfTransportation | owl:Thing | |
freeFlightTime (edit) | free flight time | Spacecraft | Time | |
inclination (edit) | inclination | Spacecraft | xsd:float | |
introductionDate (edit) | introduction date | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:date | |
launch (edit) | launch | Spacecraft | xsd:date | |
modelEndDate (edit) | model end date | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:date | |
modelEndYear (edit) | model end year | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:gYear | |
modelLineVehicle (edit) | type series | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:string | |
modelStartDate (edit) | model start date | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:date | |
modelStartYear (edit) | model start year | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:gYear | |
numberOfCrew (edit) | number of crew | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | |
numberOfLaunches (edit) | number of launches | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | |
numberOfSeats (edit) | number of seats | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | |
powerType (edit) | power type | MeanOfTransportation | owl:Thing | |
range (edit) | range | MeanOfTransportation | xsd:positiveInteger | Maximum distance without refueling |
rebuilder (edit) | rebuilder | MeanOfTransportation | owl:Thing | |
regime (edit) | regime | Spacecraft | xsd:string | |
relatedMeanOfTransportation (edit) | related mean of transportation | MeanOfTransportation | MeanOfTransportation | |
rocket (edit) | rocket | Spacecraft | Rocket | |
targetSpaceStation (edit) | target space station station | Spacecraft | SpaceStation | |
totalCargo (edit) | total cargo | Spacecraft | Mass | |
totalMass (edit) | total mass | Spacecraft | Mass | |
version (edit) | version | MeanOfTransportation | owl:Thing |