User contributions for Rene peinl
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17 July 2011
- 08:1908:19, 17 July 2011 diff hist +282‎ N OntologyClass:SnookerWorldRanking ‎ Created page with '{{Class | rdfs:label@en = snooker world ranking | rdfs:label@de = Snookerweltrangliste | rdfs:comment@en = The official world ranking in snooker for a certain ye...'
- 08:1508:15, 17 July 2011 diff hist +196‎ Mapping en:Infobox snooker player ‎No edit summary
14 July 2011
- 17:3317:33, 14 July 2011 diff hist +115‎ Mapping en:Infobox software ‎No edit summary
- 17:3217:32, 14 July 2011 diff hist +325‎ Mapping en:Infobox software ‎No edit summary
- 17:3017:30, 14 July 2011 diff hist +11‎ Mapping en:Infobox software ‎No edit summary
- 16:5716:57, 14 July 2011 diff hist 0‎ OntologyProperty:AverageSpeed ‎No edit summary
- 16:5616:56, 14 July 2011 diff hist −4‎ OntologyProperty:BestFinish ‎No edit summary current
- 16:5516:55, 14 July 2011 diff hist +176‎ N OntologyProperty:BestFinish ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = best ranking finish | rdfs:label@de = beste Platzierung im Ranglistenturnier | rdfs:domain = owl:SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = xsd:string }}'
- 16:5116:51, 14 July 2011 diff hist +94‎ Mapping en:Infobox snooker player ‎No edit summary
7 May 2011
- 15:4115:41, 7 May 2011 diff hist +1,877‎ N Mapping en:Infobox snooker player ‎ Created page with '{{ConditionalMapping | cases = {{Condition | templateProperty = World champ | operator = isSet | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | mapToClass = SnookerCh...'
- 15:3215:32, 7 May 2011 diff hist −1‎ OntologyProperty:WorldChampionTitleYear ‎No edit summary
- 15:3015:30, 7 May 2011 diff hist +351‎ N OntologyClass:SnookerChamp ‎ Created page with '{{Class | rdfs:label@en = snooker world champion | rdfs:label@de = Snookerweltmeister | rdfs:comment@en = An athlete that plays snooker and won the world champio...'
- 15:2615:26, 7 May 2011 diff hist +157‎ N OntologyProperty:WorldChampionTitleYear ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = world champion | rdfs:comment@en = can be one or several years | rdfs:domain = SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = xsd:gYear }}'
- 15:1015:10, 7 May 2011 diff hist +179‎ N OntologyProperty:OtherWins ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = other wins | rdfs:label@de = Sonstige Siege | rdfs:domain = SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger | rdfs:subPropertyOf = Wins }...' current
- 14:4814:48, 7 May 2011 diff hist +195‎ N OntologyProperty:RankingWins ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = ranking wins | rdfs:label@de = Siege in Ranglistenturnieren | rdfs:domain = SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = xsd:nonNegativeInteger | rdfs:subPro...' current
- 14:4414:44, 7 May 2011 diff hist +289‎ N OntologyProperty:CenturyBreaks ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = century breaks | rdfs:label@de = Century Breaks | rdfs:comment@en = number of breaks with 100 points and more | rdfs:comment@de = Anzahl Brea...' current
- 14:4114:41, 7 May 2011 diff hist +144‎ N OntologyProperty:HighestBreak ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = highest break | rdfs:label@de = Höchstes Break | rdfs:domain = SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = xsd:integer }}' current
- 14:3914:39, 7 May 2011 diff hist +133‎ N OntologyProperty:Price ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = price money | rdfs:label@de = Preisgeld | rdfs:domain = SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = Currency }}'
- 14:3514:35, 7 May 2011 diff hist +153‎ N OntologyProperty:HighestRank ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = highest rank | rdfs:label@de = höchster Ranglistenplatz | rdfs:domain = SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = xsd:integer }}' current
- 14:2514:25, 7 May 2011 diff hist +153‎ N OntologyProperty:CurrentRank ‎ Created page with '{{DatatypeProperty | rdfs:label@en = current rank | rdfs:label@de = aktueller Ranglistenplatz | rdfs:domain = SnookerPlayer | rdfs:range = xsd:integer }}' current
- 14:0614:06, 7 May 2011 diff hist +310‎ N OntologyProperty:SportCountry ‎ Created page with '{{ObjectProperty | rdfs:label@en = sport country | rdfs:label@.. = Nationalität | rdfs:comment@en = The country, for which the athlete is participating in championships | rd...'
- 13:4113:41, 7 May 2011 diff hist +291‎ N OntologyClass:SnookerPlayer ‎ Created page with '{{Class | rdfs:label@en = snooker player | rdfs:label@de = Snookerspieler | rdfs:comment@en = An athlete that plays snooker, which is a billard derivate | rdfs:c...'