Actor (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pl): aktor
Label (pt): ator
Label (nl): acteur
Label (el): ηθοποιός
Label (ko): 영화인
Label (ur): اداکار
Label (ga): aisteoir
Label (fr): acteur
Label (es): actor
Label (gl): actor
Label (lv): aktieris
Label (it): attore
Label (da): skuespiller
Label (zh): 演員
Label (en): actor
Label (ja): 俳優
Label (de): Schauspieler
Label (eu): aktore
Comment (el): Μια ηθοποιός ή ένας ηθοποιός είναι ένα άτομο που παίζει σε μια δραματική παραγωγή και που εργάζεται στο χώρο του κινηματογράφου, της τηλεόρασης, του θεάτρου, ή το ραδιόφωνο.
Comment (ur): ایک اداکار یا اداکارہ وہ شخص ہوتا ہے جو ڈرامائی پروڈکشن میں کام کرتا ہے اور جو فلم ، ٹیلی ویژن ، تھیٹر یا ریڈیو میں اس صلاحیت کے ساتھ کام کرتا ہے
Comment (gl): Un actor, se é home, ou unha actriz, se é muller, é unha persoa que representa un papel nunha obra teatral, cinematográfica, radiofónica ou televisiva.
Comment (it): Un attore o un attrice è una persona che recita in una produzione teatrale, televisiva, cinematografica o radiofonica.
Comment (en): An actor or actress is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity.
Super classes: Artist

Properties on Actor:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
academyAward (edit) Academy Award Artist Award
afiAward (edit) AFI Award Artist Award
arielAward (edit) Ariel Award Actor Award
artistFunction (edit) artist function Artist xsd:string Artist function: vocal, group, instrumentalist, compositor...
associatedAct (edit) associated act Artist Artist
baftaAward (edit) BAFTA Award Artist Award
cesarAward (edit) Cesar Award Artist Award
disciple (edit) disciple Artist Artist A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others..
dutchRKDCode (edit) Dutch RKD code Artist xsd:string
emmyAward (edit) Emmy Award Artist Award
field (edit) field Artist owl:Thing
filmFareAward (edit) Film Fare Award Artist Award
gaudiAward (edit) Gaudí Award Artist Award Awards of the Catalan Academy of Cinema
geminiAward (edit) Gemini Award Actor Award
goldenCalfAward (edit) Golden Calf Award Actor Award
goldenGlobeAward (edit) Golden Globe Award Artist Award
goldenRaspberryAward (edit) Golden Raspberry Award Actor Award
goyaAward (edit) Goya Award Artist Award
grammyAward (edit) Grammy Award Artist Award
iftaAward (edit) IFTA Award Actor Award
instrument (edit) instrument Artist Instrument
laurenceOlivierAward (edit) Laurence Olivier Award Actor Award
mentor (edit) mentor Artist Artist A wise and trusted counselor or teacher
movement (edit) movement Artist owl:Thing artistic movement or school with which artist is associated
naacpImageAward (edit) NAACP Image Award Actor Award
nationalFilmAward (edit) National Film Award Actor Award
polishFilmAward (edit) Polish Film Award Artist Award
screenActorsGuildAward (edit) Screen Actors Guild Award Actor Award
style (edit) style Artist owl:Thing
tonyAward (edit) Tony Award Artist Award
training (edit) training Artist EducationalInstitution
voiceType (edit) voice type Artist owl:Thing voice type of a singer or an actor