Label (pt): | composto químico |
Label (nl): | chemisch component |
Label (el): | χημική ένωση |
Label (ko): | 화합물 |
Label (ur): | کیمیائی مرکب |
Label (ga): | comhdhúileach |
Label (fr): | produit chimique |
Label (it): | composto chimico |
Label (en): | chemical compound |
Label (ja): | 化合物 |
Label (de): | chemische Verbindung |
Super classes: | ChemicalSubstance |
Name | Label | Domain | Range | Comment |
aggregation (edit) | Aggregation | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
boilingPoint (edit) | boiling point | ChemicalSubstance | Temperature | |
carcinogen (edit) | carcinogen | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
chEMBL (edit) | ChEMBL | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | ChEMBL is a manually curated chemical database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties. |
chemSpiderId (edit) | ChemSpider Id | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | identifier in a free chemical database, owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry |
chemicalFormula (edit) | chemical formula | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
flashPoint (edit) | flash point | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:integer | lowest temperature at which a substance can vaporize and start burning |
formula (edit) | formula | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
inchi (edit) | The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier | ChemicalCompound | xsd:string | |
inn (edit) | INN | ChemicalCompound | xsd:string | International Nonproprietary Name given to a pharmaceutical substance |
kegg (edit) | KEGG | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | Bioinformatics resource for deciphering the genome. |
lethalOnChickens (edit) | lethal when given to chickens | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
lethalOnMice (edit) | lethal when given to mice | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
lethalOnRabbits (edit) | lethal when given to rabbits | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
lethalOnRats (edit) | lethal when given to rats | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
molarMass (edit) | molar mass | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:double | |
molecularWeight (edit) | molecular weight | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | |
notSolubleIn (edit) | not soluble in | ChemicalSubstance | ChemicalSubstance | |
partitionCoefficient (edit) | Partition coefficient | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:float | |
pubchem (edit) | PubChem | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | |
smiles (edit) | SMILES | ChemicalCompound | xsd:string | The Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System or SMILES is a specification in form of a line notation for describing the structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII strings. |
solubility (edit) | solubility | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:integer | |
solvent (edit) | solvent | ChemicalSubstance | ChemicalSubstance | |
solventWithBadSolubility (edit) | solvent with bad solubility | ChemicalSubstance | ChemicalSubstance | |
solventWithGoodSolubility (edit) | solvent with good solubility | ChemicalSubstance | ChemicalSubstance | |
solventWithMediocreSolubility (edit) | solvent with mediocre solubility | ChemicalSubstance | ChemicalSubstance | |
unNumber (edit) | UN number | ChemicalSubstance | xsd:string | four-digit numbers that identify hazardous substances, and articles in the framework of international transport |
vaporPressure (edit) | vapor pressure | ChemicalSubstance | hectopascal |