Mollusca (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (nl): weekdier
Label (el): μαλάκια
Label (ur): ریڑھ کی ہڈی کے بغیر جانور
Label (fr): mollusque
Label (en): mollusca
Label (ja): 軟体動物
Label (de): Weichtiere
Comment (el): Τα μαλάκια αποτελούν μια τεράστια συνομοταξία ζώων, την πολυπληθέστερη μετά τα αρθρόποδα, με πάνω από 100.000 είδη.
Super classes: Animal

Properties on Mollusca:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
birthDate (edit) birth date Animal xsd:date
birthPlace (edit) birth place Animal Place where the person was born
breeder (edit) breeder Animal Person
dam (edit) dam Animal Animal
damsire (edit) damsire Animal Animal
deathDate (edit) death date Animal xsd:date
deathPlace (edit) death place Animal Place The place where the person died.
foalDate (edit) foal date Animal xsd:date
grandsire (edit) grandsire Animal Animal
sire (edit) sire Animal Animal