Mapping es:Ficha de país: Difference between revisions

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     {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = IDH | ontologyProperty = humanDevelopmentIndex }}
     {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = IDH | ontologyProperty = humanDevelopmentIndex }}
  COMENTARIO para poner propiedades de la ficha y mapeo en inglés
|nombre_oficial =                    OK
|imagen_bandera =
|imagen_escudo =
|lema_nacional =
|himno_nacional =
|archivo_himno_nacional =
|imagen_mapa =
|capital =                            OK
|capital_coor =
|ciudad_más_poblada =                  OK
|principales ciudades =
|idioma_oficial =                      OK
|idiomas_co-oficiales =                OK
|fiesta_nacional =
|gobierno =
|dirigentes_títulos =
|dirigentes_nombres =
|fundación =
|fundación_hitos =
|fundación_fechas =
|superficie =
|superficie_puesto =
|superficie_agua =
|fronteras =
|costas =
|población =
|población_año =
|población_puesto =
|población_densidad =
|PIB_nominal =
|PIB_nominal_año =
|PIB_nominal_puesto =
|PIB_nominal_per_cápita =
|PIB =                                  OK
|PIB_año =
|PIB_puesto =
|PIB_per_cápita =
|IDH =                                  OK humanDevelopmentIndex
|IDH_año =
|IDH_puesto =
|IDH_categoría =
|moneda =                                OK
|gentilicio =
|horario =
|horario_verano =
|cctld =
|código_telefónico =
|prefijo_radiofónico =
|código_ISO =
|miembro_de =
|notaX =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = national_anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = royal_anthem | ontologyProperty = anthem }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnic_groups_year | ontologyProperty = ethnicGroupsInYear }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = government_type | ontologyProperty = governmentType }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = currency | ontologyProperty = currency }}                          OK
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}                      No equiv
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = conventional_long_name | ontologyProperty = longName }}            No equiv
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = common_name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}                      OK
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = national_motto | ontologyProperty = motto }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = capital | ontologyProperty = capital }}                            OK
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = largest_city | ontologyProperty = largestCity }}                    OK
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = largest_settlement | ontologyProperty = largestSettlement }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_languages | ontologyProperty = officialLanguage }}        OK
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = official_languages | ontologyProperty = language }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = regional_languages | ontologyProperty = regionalLanguage }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = regional_languages | ontologyProperty = language }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = languages | ontologyProperty = language }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ethnic_groups | ontologyProperty = ethnicGroup }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = demonym | ontologyProperty = demonym }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title1 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name1 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title2 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name2 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title3 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name3 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title4 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name4 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_title5 | ontologyProperty = leaderTitle }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader_name5 | ontologyProperty = leaderName }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date1 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date2 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = established_date9 | ontologyProperty = foundingDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_km2 | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareKilometre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = area_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = areaTotal | unit = squareMile }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = percent_water | ontologyProperty = percentageOfAreaWater }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_km2 | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareKilometre }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = population_density_sq_mi | ontologyProperty = populationDensity | unit = inhabitantsPerSquareMile }}
{{GeocoordinatesMapping | latitudeDegrees = latd  | latitudeMinutes = latm  | latitudeDirection = latNS  | longitudeDegrees = longd  | longitudeMinutes = longm  | longitudeDirection = longEW }}
Propiedades clase DBpedia Country
Name Label Domain Range Comment
anthem (edit) anthem PopulatedPlace Work
areaCode (edit) area code PopulatedPlace xsd:string Area code for telephone numbers.
areaRural (edit) area rural PopulatedPlace Area
areaTotalRanking (edit) total area ranking PopulatedPlace xsd:positiveInteger
areaUrban (edit) area urban PopulatedPlace Area
arrondissement (edit) arrondissement PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
borough (edit) borough PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
capital (edit) capital PopulatedPlace City
censusYear (edit) census year PopulatedPlace xsd:gYear
ceremonialCounty (edit) Ceremonial County PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
cityType (edit) city type PopulatedPlace xsd:string
continent (edit) continent Country Continent links a country to the continent it belongs
councilArea (edit) Council area PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
countySeat (edit) county seat PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
demographicsAsOf (edit) demographics as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
department (edit) department PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
dissolutionDate (edit) dissolution date PopulatedPlace xsd:date
dissolutionYear (edit) dissolution year PopulatedPlace xsd:gYear
ekatteCode (edit) EKATTE code PopulatedPlace xsd:string Indexing code used by the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute to identify populated places
ethnicGroup (edit) ethnic group PopulatedPlace EthnicGroup
europeanUnionEntranceDate (edit) european union entrance date Country xsd:date
foundingPerson (edit) founding person PopulatedPlace Person
giniCoefficient (edit) gini coefficient PopulatedPlace xsd:float is a measure of the inequality of a distribution. It is commonly used as a measure of inequality of income or wealth.
giniCoefficientAsOf (edit) gini coefficient as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
giniCoefficientCategory (edit) gini coefficient category PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
giniCoefficientRanking (edit) gini coefficient ranking PopulatedPlace xsd:positiveInteger
grossDomesticProduct (edit) gross domestic product (GDP) PopulatedPlace Currency
grossDomesticProductAsOf (edit) gross domestic product as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
humanDevelopmentIndex (edit) Human Development Index (HDI) PopulatedPlace xsd:float a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of "human development"
humanDevelopmentIndexAsOf (edit) human development index as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
humanDevelopmentIndexRankingCategory (edit) human development index (HDI) category PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
illiteracy (edit) illiteracy PopulatedPlace xsd:float
infantMortality (edit) infant mortality PopulatedPlace xsd:float
inseeCode (edit) INSEE code PopulatedPlace owl:Thing numerical indexing code used by the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) to identify various entities
largestCity (edit) largest city PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
largestCountry (edit) largest country PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
largestSettlement (edit) largest settlement PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
leaderName (edit) leader name PopulatedPlace Person
leaderParty (edit) leader party PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
leaderTitle (edit) leader title PopulatedPlace xsd:string
lessPopulatedCountry (edit) less populated country Country Country
lessPopulousCountry (edit) less populous country Country Country
lieutenancyArea (edit) Lieutenancy area PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
lifeExpectancy (edit) life expectancy PopulatedPlace xsd:string
mayor (edit) mayor PopulatedPlace Person
metropolitanBorough (edit) metropolitan borough PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
mostPopulatedCountry (edit) most populated country Country Country
mostPopulousCountry (edit) most populous country Country Country
neighboringMunicipality (edit) neighboring municipality PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
nisCode (edit) NIS code PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace Indexing code used by the Belgium National Statistical Institute to identify populated places.
numberOfCapitalDeputies (edit) Number Of Capital Deputies PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfCounties (edit) number of counties PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfFederalDeputies (edit) Number Of Federal Deputies PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfMinistries (edit) number of ministries Country xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfMunicipalities (edit) Number Of Municipalities PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
numberOfStateDeputies (edit) Number Of State Deputies PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
officialLanguage (edit) official language PopulatedPlace Language
parish (edit) parish PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
perCapitaIncome (edit) per capita income PopulatedPlace Currency
perCapitaIncomeAsOf (edit) per capita income as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
politicGovernmentDepartment (edit) politic government department PopulatedPlace owl:Thing
poorestCountry (edit) poorest country Country Country
populationAsOf (edit) population as of PopulatedPlace xsd:date
populationMetro (edit) population metro PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
populationMetroDensity (edit) population metro density PopulatedPlace PopulationDensity
populationRural (edit) population rural PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
populationRuralDensity (edit) population density rural PopulatedPlace PopulationDensity
populationTotal (edit) population total PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
populationTotalRanking (edit) total population ranking PopulatedPlace xsd:positiveInteger
populationUrban (edit) population urban PopulatedPlace xsd:nonNegativeInteger
populationUrbanDensity (edit) population urban density PopulatedPlace PopulationDensity
principalArea (edit) principal area PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
regionalLanguage (edit) regional language PopulatedPlace Language
richestCountry (edit) richest country Country Country
saint (edit) saint PopulatedPlace Saint
senator (edit) senator PopulatedPlace Person
sheading (edit) sheading PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
simcCode (edit) SIMC code PopulatedPlace owl:Thing indexing code used by the Polish National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country (TERYT) to identify various entities
smallestCountry (edit) smallest country PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
terytCode (edit) TERYT code PopulatedPlace owl:Thing indexing code used by the Polish National Official Register of the Territorial Division of the Country (TERYT) to identify various entities
topLevelDomain (edit) country top level (tld) Country xsd:string
twinCountry (edit) twin country Country Country
unitaryAuthority (edit) unitary authority PopulatedPlace PopulatedPlace
viceLeader (edit) vice leader PopulatedPlace Person
viceLeaderParty (edit) vice leader party PopulatedPlace PoliticalParty

Latest revision as of 17:30, 5 August 2015

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Template Mapping (help)
map to class Country


Property Mapping (help)
template property capital
ontology property capital

Property Mapping (help)
template property moneda
ontology property currency

Property Mapping (help)
template property nombre_oficial
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property ciudad_más_poblada
ontology property largestCity

Property Mapping (help)
template property idioma_oficial
ontology property officialLanguage

Property Mapping (help)
template property idiomas_co-oficiales
ontology property officialLanguage

Property Mapping (help)
template property PIB
ontology property grossDomesticProduct

Property Mapping (help)
template property IDH
ontology property humanDevelopmentIndex