Mapping ur:یوکے اسٹیشن

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This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template یوکے اسٹیشن. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.


Condition (help)
template property تقریبات
operator contains
value Opened

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template یوکے اسٹیشن. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class Station


Property Mapping (help)
template property سال
ontology property openingYear
Condition (help)
template property تقریبات1
operator contains
value Opened

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template یوکے اسٹیشن. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class Station


Property Mapping (help)
template property سال1
ontology property openingYear

Condition (help)

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template یوکے اسٹیشن. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class Station

Default Mappings

Constant Mapping (help)
ontology property country
value United_Kingdom

Property Mapping (help)
template property نام
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property مینیجر
ontology property operator

Property Mapping (help)
template property مقامی
ontology property location

Property Mapping (help)
template property بیورو
ontology property location

Property Mapping (help)
template property ضلع
ontology property district

Property Mapping (help)
template property پلیٹ فارم
ontology property railwayPlatforms

Property Mapping (help)
template property تصویر
ontology property picture

Property Mapping (help)
template property مالک
ontology property owner

Property Mapping (help)
template property کوڈ
ontology property agencyStationCode

Property Mapping (help)
template property گرڈ حوالہ
ontology property gridReference

Property Mapping (help)
template property افتتاحی تاریخ
ontology property openingDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property افتتاحی سال
ontology property openingYear
Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
latitude template property latitude
longitude template property longitude

Property Mapping (help)
template property lowusage1011
ontology property passengersPerYear