BroadcastNetwork (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pl): sieć emisyjna
Label (nl): omroeporganisatie
Label (el): δίκτυο ραδιοφωνικής μετάδοσης
Label (ko): 브로드캐스트 네트워크
Label (ur): نشریاتی جال
Label (ga): líonra craolacháin
Label (fr): chaîne de télévision généraliste
Label (it): emittente
Label (en): broadcast network
Label (ja): ネットワーク_(放送)
Label (de): Sendergruppe
Comment (en): A broadcast network is an organization, such as a corporation or other association, that provides live or recorded content, such as movies, newscasts, sports, and public affairs programs for broadcast over a group of radio or television stations. ( - 28/03/2011)
Comment (ur): نشریاتی جال ایک تنظیم ہے ، جیسے کارپوریشن یا دیگر ایسوسی ایشن ، جو ریڈیو یا ٹیلی ویژن اسٹیشنوں کے گروپ پر نشر کرنے کے لیے لائیو یا ریکارڈ شدہ مواد ، جیسے فلمیں ، نیوز کاسٹ ، کھیل اور عوامی امور کے پروگرام مہیا کرتی ہے۔
Comment (el): Ένα δίκτυο μετάδοσης είναι μια οργάνωση, όπως μια εταιρεία ή άλλη ένωση, που παρέχει ζωντανό ή μαγνητοσκοπημένο περιεχόμενο, όπως ταινίες, δελτία ειδήσεων, αθλητικά, και τα προγράμματα δημοσίων υποθέσεων για την εκπομπή πάνω από μια ομάδα ραδιοφωνικών ή τηλεοπτικών σταθμών
Super classes: Broadcaster

Properties on BroadcastNetwork:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
analogChannel (edit) analog channel Broadcaster xsd:string
broadcastArea (edit) broadcast area Broadcaster PopulatedPlace
broadcastNetwork (edit) broadcast network Broadcaster BroadcastNetwork The parent broadcast network to which the broadcaster belongs.
broadcastRepeater (edit) broadcast repeater Broadcaster xsd:string A repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher level and/or higher power, or onto the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances (
broadcastStationClass (edit) broadcast station class Broadcaster xsd:string
broadcastTranslator (edit) broadcast translator Broadcaster xsd:string
callsignMeaning (edit) call sign meaning Broadcaster xsd:string The out written call sign.
digitalChannel (edit) digital channel Broadcaster xsd:string
digitalSubChannel (edit) digital sub channel Broadcaster xsd:string
effectiveRadiatedPower (edit) effectiveRadiatedPower Broadcaster Power
firstAirDate (edit) first air date Broadcaster xsd:date The date on which regular broadcasts began.
formerBroadcastNetwork (edit) former broadcast network Broadcaster BroadcastNetwork A former parent broadcast network to which the broadcaster once belonged.
formerCallsign (edit) former call sign Broadcaster xsd:string
formerChannel (edit) former channel Broadcaster xsd:string
heightAboveAverageTerrain (edit) height above average terrain Broadcaster Length
lastAirDate (edit) last air date Broadcaster xsd:date The date on which the broadcaster made its last broadcast.
network (edit) network Broadcaster Broadcaster
otherChannel (edit) other channel Broadcaster xsd:string
pictureFormat (edit) picture format Broadcaster owl:Thing
programmeFormat (edit) programme format Broadcaster owl:Thing The programming format describes the overall content broadcast on a radio or television station.
shareDate (edit) share date Broadcaster xsd:gYearMonth
shareOfAudience (edit) share of audience Broadcaster xsd:float
shareSource (edit) share source Broadcaster xsd:string
sisterStation (edit) sister station Broadcaster Broadcaster
virtualChannel (edit) virtual channel Broadcaster xsd:string