Mountain (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pt): montanha
Label (nl): berg
Label (el): Βουνό
Label (ko):
Label (ur): پہاڑ
Label (am): ተራራ
Label (ga): sliabh
Label (fr): montagne
Label (zh):
Label (en): mountain
Label (ja):
Label (de): Berg
Super classes: NaturalPlace

Properties on Mountain:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
alpsGroup (edit) Alps group Mountain MountainRange the Alps group to which the mountain belongs, according to the SOIUSA classification
alpsMainPart (edit) Alps main part Mountain MountainRange the Alps main part to which the mountain belongs, according to the SOIUSA classification
alpsMajorSector (edit) Alps major sector Mountain MountainRange the Alps major sector to which the mountain belongs, according to the SOIUSA classification
alpsSection (edit) Alps section Mountain MountainRange the Alps section to which the mountain belongs, according to the SOIUSA classification
alpsSoiusaCode (edit) Alps SOIUSA code Mountain xsd:string the Alps SOIUSA code corresponding to the mountain, according to the SOIUSA classification
alpsSubgroup (edit) Alps subgroup Mountain MountainRange the Alps subgroup to which the mountain belongs, according to the SOIUSA classification
alpsSubsection (edit) Alps subsection Mountain MountainRange the Alps subsection to which the mountain belongs, according to the SOIUSA classification
alpsSupergroup (edit) Alps supergroup Mountain MountainRange the Alps supergroup to which the mountain belongs, according to the SOIUSA classification
firstAscentPerson (edit) person that first ascented a mountain Mountain Person
firstAscentYear (edit) year of first ascent Mountain xsd:gYear
mountainRange (edit) mountain range Mountain MountainRange
parentMountainPeak (edit) parent mountain peak Mountain Mountain