Mapping en:Infobox officeholder: Difference between revisions

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(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
| cases =
| mapToClass = Politician
| mappings =
    | templateProperty = $TemplateName
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
    | operator = isIn
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nickname | ontologyProperty = foaf:nick }}
    | value = Infobox AM, Infobox Canadian MP, Infobox MP, Infobox MEP, Infobox MLA
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthname | ontologyProperty = birthName }}
    | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0
   {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_name | ontologyProperty = birthName }}
                  | mapToClass = MemberOfParliament
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = native_name | ontologyProperty = originalName }}
    | templateProperty = $TemplateName
    | operator = isIn
    | value = Infobox governor, Infobox governor-elect, Infobox governor general, Infobox governor-general, Infobox US territorial governor
    | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0
                  | mapToClass = Governor
    | operator = otherwise
    | mapping = {{TemplateMapping | header = 0
                  | mapToClass = OfficeHolder
| defaultMappings =
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = otherparty | ontologyProperty = otherParty }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = name | ontologyProperty = foaf:name }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_date | ontologyProperty = birthDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birth_place | ontologyProperty = birthPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_date | ontologyProperty = deathDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_place | ontologyProperty = deathPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = death_cause | ontologyProperty = deathCause }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = restingplace | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = restingplace | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = resting_place | ontologyProperty = restingPlace }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = height | ontologyProperty = height }}
{{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = restingPlacePosition | coordinates = restingplacecoordinates }}
{{GeocoordinatesMapping | ontologyProperty = restingPlacePosition | coordinates = restingplacecoordinates }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = birthname | ontologyProperty = birthName }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nationality | ontologyProperty = nationality }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = spouse | ontologyProperty = spouse }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = spouse | ontologyProperty = spouse }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = awards | ontologyProperty = award }}
  {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = award | ontologyProperty = award }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mawards | ontologyProperty = honours }}
  {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = maward | ontologyProperty = honours }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = partner | ontologyProperty = partner }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = mother | ontologyProperty = mother }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = father | ontologyProperty = father }}
  {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parents | ontologyProperty = parent }}
  {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parent | ontologyProperty = parent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relations | ontologyProperty = relation }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relations | ontologyProperty = relation }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = relatives | ontologyProperty = relation }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = children | ontologyProperty = child }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = children | ontologyProperty = child }}
  {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = child | ontologyProperty = child }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = residence | ontologyProperty = residence }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alma_mater | ontologyProperty = almaMater }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alma_mater | ontologyProperty = almaMater }}
  {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = education | ontologyProperty = education }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = occupation | ontologyProperty = occupation }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = profession | ontologyProperty = profession }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = website | ontologyProperty = foaf:homepage }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = cabinet | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = committees | ontologyProperty = committee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = committees | ontologyProperty = committee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = portfolio | ontologyProperty = portfolio }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = portfolio | ontologyProperty = portfolio }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = profession | ontologyProperty = profession }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = religion | ontologyProperty = religion }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nickname | ontologyProperty = foaf:nick }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = signature | ontologyProperty = signature }}  
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = signature | ontologyProperty = signature }}  
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = allegiance | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = branch | ontologyProperty = militaryBranch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = otherparty | ontologyProperty = party }}
| nodeClass = MilitaryService
| correspondingProperty = militaryService
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = branch | ontologyProperty = militaryBranch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = rank | ontologyProperty = militaryRank }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = unit | ontologyProperty = militaryUnit }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = commands | ontologyProperty = militaryCommand }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = battles | ontologyProperty = battle }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = allegiance | ontologyProperty = country }}
           | templateProperty = serviceyears  
           | templateProperty = serviceyears  
           | startDateOntologyProperty = serviceStartYear  
           | startDateOntologyProperty = serviceStartYear  
           | endDateOntologyProperty = serviceEndYear
           | endDateOntologyProperty = serviceEndYear
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = rank | ontologyProperty = militaryRank }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = unit | ontologyProperty = militaryUnit }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = commands | ontologyProperty = militaryCommand }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = battles | ontologyProperty = battle }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor-general | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor1 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor2 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor3 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor4 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor5 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor6 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor7 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor8 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor9 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order1 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order2 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order3 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order4 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order5 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order6 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order7 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order8 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = order9 | ontologyProperty = orderInOffice }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office1 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office2 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office3 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office4 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office5 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office6 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office7 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office8 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office9 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside1 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside2 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside3 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside4 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside5 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside6 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside7 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside8 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside9 | ontologyProperty = associate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident1 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident2 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident3 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident4 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident5 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident6 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident7 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident8 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident9 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister1 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister2 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister3 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister4 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister5 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister6 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister7 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister8 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister9 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy1 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy2 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy3 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy4 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy5 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy6 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy7 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy8 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy9 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant1 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant2 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant3 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant4 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant5 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant6 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant7 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant8 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant9 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch1 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch2 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch3 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch4 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch5 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch6 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch7 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch8 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = monarch9 | ontologyProperty = monarch }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president1 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president2 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president3 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president4 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president5 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president6 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president7 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president8 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president9 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister1 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister2 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister3 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister4 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister5 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister6 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister7 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister8 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister9 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor1 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor2 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor3 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor4 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor5 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor6 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor7 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor8 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor9 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding9 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding1 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding2 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding3 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding4 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding5 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding6 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding7 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding8 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding9 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority1 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority2 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority3 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority4 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority5 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority6 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority7 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority8 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority9 | ontologyProperty = electionMajority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly1 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly2 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly3 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly4 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly5 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly6 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly7 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly8 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly9 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from2 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from3 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from4 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from5 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from6 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from7 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from8 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from9 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country2 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country3 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country4 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country5 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country6 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country7 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country8 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country9 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament2 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament3 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament4 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament5 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament6 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament7 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament8 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = parliament9 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate1 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate2 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate3 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate4 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate5 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate6 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate7 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate8 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate9 | ontologyProperty = stateDelegate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature1 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature2 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature3 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature4 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature5 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature6 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature7 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature8 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature9 | ontologyProperty = region }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr1 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr2 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr3 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr4 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr5 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr6 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr7 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr8 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr9 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader1 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader2 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader3 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader4 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader5 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader6 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader7 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader8 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader9 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader9 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader1 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader2 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader3 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader4 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader5 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader6 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader7 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader8 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader9 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader1 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader2 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader3 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader4 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader5 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader6 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader7 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader8 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader9 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor  | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start1 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title1 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end1  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start1 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end1  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart1 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend1  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office1 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office1 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside1 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president1 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general1 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach1 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor1 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister1 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier1 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister1 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister1 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor1 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident1 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister1 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier1 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy1 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant1 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding1 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor1 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded1 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding1 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr1 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state1 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate1 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly1| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly1| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament1| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer1 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe1 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date1 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate1 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent1 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent1 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee1 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election1 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country1 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker1 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader1 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader1 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader1 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader1 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader1 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader1 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term1
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start2 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title2 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end2  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start2 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end2  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart2 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend2  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office2 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office2 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside2 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president2 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general2 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach2 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor2 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister2 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier2 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister2 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister2 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor2 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident2 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister2 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier2 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy2 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant2 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding2 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor2 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded2 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding2 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr2 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state2 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate2 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly2| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly2| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament2| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer2 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe2 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date2 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate2 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent2 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent2 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee2 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election2 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from2 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from2 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country2 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker2 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader2 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader2 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader2 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader2 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader2 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader2 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term2
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start3 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title3 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end3  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start3 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end3  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart3 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend3  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office3 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office3 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside3 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president3 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general3 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach3 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor3 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister3 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier3 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister3 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister3 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor3 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident3 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister3 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier3 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy3 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant3 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding3 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor3 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded3 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding3 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr3 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state3 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate3 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly3| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly3| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament3| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer3 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe3 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date3 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate3 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent3 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent3 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee3 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election3 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from3 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from3 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country3 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker3 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader3 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader3 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader3 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader3 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader3 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader3 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term3
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start4 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title4 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end4  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start4 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end4  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart4 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend4  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office4 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office4 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside4 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president4 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general4 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach4 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor4 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister4 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier4 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister4 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister4 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor4 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident4 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister4 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier4 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy4 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant4 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding4 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor4 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded4 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding4 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr4 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state4 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate4 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly4| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly4| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament4| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer4 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe4 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date4 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate4 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent4 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent4 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee4 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election4 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from4 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from4 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country4 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker4 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader4 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader4 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader4 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader4 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader4 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader4 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term4
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start5 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title5 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end5  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start5 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end5  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart5 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend5  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office5 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office5 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside5 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president5 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general5 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach5 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor5 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister5 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier5 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister5 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister5 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor5 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident5 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister5 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier5 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy5 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant5 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding5 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor5 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded5 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding5 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr5 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state5 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate5 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly5| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly5| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament5| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer5 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe5 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date5 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate5 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent5 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent5 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee5 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election5 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from5 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from5 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country5 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker5 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader5 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader5 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader5 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader5 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader5 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader5 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term5
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start6 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title6 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end6  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start6 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end6  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart6 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend6  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office6 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office6 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside6 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president6 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general6 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach6 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor6 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister6 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier6 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister6 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister6 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor6 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident6 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister6 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier6 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy6 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant6 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding6 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor6 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded6 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding6 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr6 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state6 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate6 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly6| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly6| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament6| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer6 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe6 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date6 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate6 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent6 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent6 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee6 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election6 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from6 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from6 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country6 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker6 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader6 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader6 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader6 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader6 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader6 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader6 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term6
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start7 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title7 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end7  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start7 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end7  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart7 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend7  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office7 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office7 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside7 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president7 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general7 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach7 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor7 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister7 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier7 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister7 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister7 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor7 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident7 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister7 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier7 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy7 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant7 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding7 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor7 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded7 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding7 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr7 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state7 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate7 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly7| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly7| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament7| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer7 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe7 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date7 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate7 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent7 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent7 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee7 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election7 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from7 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from7 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country7 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker7 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader7 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader7 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader7 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader7 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader7 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader7 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term7
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start8 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title8 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end8  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start8 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end8  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart8 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend8  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office8 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office8 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside8 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president8 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general8 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach8 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor8 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister8 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier8 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister8 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister8 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor8 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident8 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister8 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier8 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy8 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant8 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding8 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor8 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded8 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding8 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr8 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state8 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate8 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly8| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly8| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament8| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer8 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe8 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date8 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate8 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent8 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent8 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee8 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election8 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from8 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from8 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country8 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker8 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader8 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader8 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader8 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader8 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader8 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader8 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term8
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = TimePeriod
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
| mappings =
        {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start9 | ontologyProperty = activeYearsStartDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title9 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end9  | ontologyProperty = activeYearsEndDate }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start9 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end9  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart9 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend9  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office9 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office9 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside9 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president9 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general9 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach9 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor9 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister9 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier9 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister9 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister9 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor9 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident9 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister9 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier9 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy9 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant9 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor9 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded9 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding9 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor9 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded9 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding9 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr9 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state9 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate9 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly9| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly9| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament9| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer9 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe9 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date9 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate9 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent9 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent9 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee9 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election9 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from9 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from9 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country9 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker9 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader9 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader9 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader9 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader9 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader9 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader9 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term9
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title10 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start10 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end10  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart10 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend10  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office10 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside10 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president10 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general10 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach10 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor10 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister10 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier10 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister10 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister10 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor10 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident10 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister10 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier10 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy10 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant10 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor10 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded10 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding10 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor10 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded10 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding10 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr10 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state10 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate10 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly10| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly10| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament10| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer10 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe10 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date10 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate10 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent10 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent10 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee10 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election10 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from10 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from10 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country10 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker10 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader10 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader10 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader10 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader10 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader10 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader10 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term10
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title11 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start11 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end11  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart11 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend11  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office11 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside11 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president11 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general11 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach11 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor11 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister11 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier11 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister11 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister11 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor11 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident11 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister11 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier11 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy11 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant11 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor11 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded11 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding11 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor11 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded11 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding11 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr11 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state11 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate11 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly11| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly11| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament11| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer11 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe11 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date11 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate11 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent11 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent11 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee11 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election11 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from11 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from11 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country11 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker11 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader11 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader11 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader11 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader11 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader11 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader11 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term11
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title12 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start12 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end12  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart12 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend12  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office12 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside12 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president12 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general12 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach12 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor12 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister12 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier12 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister12 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister12 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor12 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident12 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister12 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier12 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy12 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant12 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor12 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded12 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding12 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor12 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded12 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding12 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr12 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state12 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate12 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly12| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly12| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament12| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer12 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe12 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date12 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate12 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent12 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent12 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee12 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election12 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from12 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from12 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country12 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker12 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader12 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader12 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader12 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader12 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader12 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader12 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term12
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title13 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start13 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end13  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart13 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend13  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office13 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside13 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president13 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general13 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach13 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor13 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister13 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier13 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister13 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister13 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor13 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident13 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister13 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier13 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy13 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant13 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor13 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded13 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding13 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor13 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded13 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding13 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr13 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state13 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate13 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly13| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly13| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament13| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer13 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe13 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date13 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate13 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent13 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent13 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee13 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election13 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from13 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from13 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country13 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker13 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader13 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader13 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader13 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader13 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader13 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader13 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term13
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title14 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start14 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end14  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart14 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend14  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office14 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside14 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president14 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general14 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach14 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor14 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister14 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier14 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister14 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister14 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor14 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident14 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister14 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier14 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy14 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant14 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor14 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded14 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding14 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor14 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded14 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding14 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr14 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state14 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate14 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly14| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly14| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament14| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer14 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe14 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date14 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate14 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent14 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent14 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee14 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election14 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from14 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from14 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country14 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker14 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader14 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader14 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader14 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader14 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader14 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader14 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term14
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end
| nodeClass = Tenure
| correspondingProperty = termPeriod
| nodeURI = /{superResource}/StartEndDate/{number}
| mappings =
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = title15 | ontologyProperty = title }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_start15 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = term_end15  | ontologyProperty = end }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termstart15 | ontologyProperty = start }}
    {{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = termend15  | ontologyProperty = end }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = office15 | ontologyProperty = office }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = alongside15 | ontologyProperty = alongside }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = president15 | ontologyProperty = president }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor_general15 | ontologyProperty = governorGeneral }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = taoiseach15 | ontologyProperty = taoiseach }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = governor15 | ontologyProperty = governor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = primeminister15 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = premier15 | ontologyProperty = primeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister15 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = firstminister15 | ontologyProperty = minister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = chancellor15 | ontologyProperty = chancellor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepresident15 | ontologyProperty = vicePresident }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = viceprimeminister15 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = vicepremier15 | ontologyProperty = vicePrimeMinister }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = deputy15 | ontologyProperty = deputy }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = lieutenant15 | ontologyProperty = lieutenant }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = predecessor15 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceded15 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeding15 | ontologyProperty = predecessor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = successor15 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = succeeded15 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = preceding15 | ontologyProperty = successor }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = jr/sr15 | ontologyProperty = seniority }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state15 | ontologyProperty = state }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = district15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = constituency_AM15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
<!-- revise the next properties, this needs some complex mapping -->
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_house15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_legislature15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_senate15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_delegate15 | ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = state_assembly15| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = assembly15| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = pariament15| ontologyProperty = constituencyDistrict }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointer15 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = appointe15 | ontologyProperty = appointer }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = election_date15 | ontologyProperty = electionDate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = runningmate15 | ontologyProperty = runningMate }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = opponent15 | ontologyProperty = opponent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = incumbent15 | ontologyProperty = incumbent }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = nominee15 | ontologyProperty = nominee }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = party_election15 | ontologyProperty = party }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = ambassador_from15 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minister_from15 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = country15 | ontologyProperty = country }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = speaker15 | ontologyProperty = speaker }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = co-leader15 | ontologyProperty = viceLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = leader15 | ontologyProperty = leader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majorityleader15 | ontologyProperty = majorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minorityleader15 | ontologyProperty = minorityLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = minority_floor_leader15 | ontologyProperty = minorityFloorLeader }}
{{PropertyMapping | templateProperty = majority_floor_leader15 | ontologyProperty = majorityFloorLeader }}
          | templateProperty = term15
          | startDateOntologyProperty = start
          | endDateOntologyProperty = end

Latest revision as of 19:53, 8 February 2018

This is the mapping for the Wikipedia template Infobox officeholder. Find usages of this Wikipedia template here.

Test this mapping (or in namespace File or Creator) with some example Wikipedia pages. Check which properties are not mapped yet.

Read more about mapping Wikipedia templates.

Template Mapping (help)
map to class Politician


Property Mapping (help)
template property name
ontology property foaf:name

Property Mapping (help)
template property nickname
ontology property foaf:nick

Property Mapping (help)
template property birthname
ontology property birthName

Property Mapping (help)
template property birth_name
ontology property birthName

Property Mapping (help)
template property native_name
ontology property originalName

Property Mapping (help)
template property birth_date
ontology property birthDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property birth_place
ontology property birthPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property death_date
ontology property deathDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property death_place
ontology property deathPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property death_cause
ontology property deathCause

Property Mapping (help)
template property restingplace
ontology property restingPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property resting_place
ontology property restingPlace

Property Mapping (help)
template property height
ontology property height
Geocoordinates Mapping (help)
coordinates template property restingplacecoordinates
ontology property restingPlacePosition

Property Mapping (help)
template property nationality
ontology property nationality

Property Mapping (help)
template property spouse
ontology property spouse

Property Mapping (help)
template property awards
ontology property award

Property Mapping (help)
template property award
ontology property award

Property Mapping (help)
template property mawards
ontology property honours

Property Mapping (help)
template property maward
ontology property honours

Property Mapping (help)
template property partner
ontology property partner

Property Mapping (help)
template property mother
ontology property mother

Property Mapping (help)
template property father
ontology property father

Property Mapping (help)
template property parents
ontology property parent

Property Mapping (help)
template property parent
ontology property parent

Property Mapping (help)
template property relations
ontology property relation

Property Mapping (help)
template property relatives
ontology property relation

Property Mapping (help)
template property children
ontology property child

Property Mapping (help)
template property child
ontology property child

Property Mapping (help)
template property residence
ontology property residence

Property Mapping (help)
template property alma_mater
ontology property almaMater

Property Mapping (help)
template property education
ontology property education

Property Mapping (help)
template property occupation
ontology property occupation

Property Mapping (help)
template property profession
ontology property profession

Property Mapping (help)
template property religion
ontology property religion

Property Mapping (help)
template property website
ontology property foaf:homepage

Property Mapping (help)
template property committees
ontology property committee

Property Mapping (help)
template property portfolio
ontology property portfolio

Property Mapping (help)
template property signature
ontology property signature

Property Mapping (help)
template property party
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property otherparty
ontology property party

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class MilitaryService
corresponding property militaryService

Property Mapping (help)
template property branch
ontology property militaryBranch

Property Mapping (help)
template property rank
ontology property militaryRank

Property Mapping (help)
template property unit
ontology property militaryUnit

Property Mapping (help)
template property commands
ontology property militaryCommand

Property Mapping (help)
template property battles
ontology property battle

Property Mapping (help)
template property allegiance
ontology property country

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property serviceyears
start date ontology property serviceStartYear
end date ontology property serviceEndYear

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title1
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start1
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end1
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart1
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend1
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office1
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside1
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president1
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general1
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach1
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor1
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister1
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier1
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister1
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister1
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor1
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident1
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister1
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier1
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy1
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant1
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor1
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded1
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding1
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor1
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded1
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding1
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr1
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state1
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament1
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer1
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe1
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date1
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate1
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent1
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent1
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee1
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election1
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from1
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from1
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country1
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker1
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader1
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader1
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader1
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader1
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader1
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader1
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term1
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title2
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start2
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end2
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart2
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend2
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office2
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside2
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president2
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general2
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach2
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor2
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister2
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier2
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister2
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister2
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor2
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident2
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister2
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier2
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy2
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant2
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor2
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded2
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding2
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor2
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded2
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding2
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr2
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state2
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament2
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer2
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe2
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date2
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate2
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent2
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent2
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee2
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election2
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from2
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from2
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country2
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker2
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader2
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader2
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader2
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader2
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader2
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader2
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term2
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title3
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start3
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end3
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart3
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend3
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office3
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside3
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president3
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general3
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach3
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor3
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister3
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier3
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister3
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister3
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor3
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident3
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister3
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier3
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy3
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant3
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor3
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded3
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding3
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor3
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded3
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding3
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr3
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state3
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament3
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer3
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe3
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date3
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate3
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent3
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent3
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee3
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election3
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from3
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from3
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country3
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker3
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader3
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader3
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader3
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader3
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader3
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader3
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term3
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title4
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start4
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end4
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart4
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend4
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office4
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside4
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president4
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general4
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach4
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor4
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister4
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier4
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister4
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister4
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor4
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident4
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister4
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier4
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy4
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant4
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor4
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded4
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding4
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor4
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded4
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding4
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr4
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state4
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament4
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer4
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe4
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date4
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate4
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent4
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent4
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee4
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election4
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from4
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from4
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country4
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker4
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader4
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader4
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader4
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader4
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader4
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader4
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term4
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title5
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start5
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end5
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart5
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend5
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office5
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside5
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president5
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general5
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach5
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor5
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister5
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier5
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister5
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister5
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor5
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident5
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister5
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier5
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy5
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant5
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor5
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded5
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding5
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor5
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded5
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding5
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr5
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state5
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament5
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer5
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe5
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date5
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate5
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent5
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent5
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee5
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election5
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from5
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from5
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country5
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker5
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader5
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader5
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader5
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader5
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader5
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader5
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term5
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title6
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start6
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end6
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart6
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend6
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office6
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside6
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president6
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general6
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach6
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor6
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister6
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier6
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister6
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister6
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor6
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident6
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister6
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier6
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy6
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant6
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor6
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded6
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding6
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor6
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded6
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding6
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr6
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state6
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament6
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer6
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe6
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date6
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate6
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent6
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent6
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee6
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election6
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from6
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from6
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country6
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker6
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader6
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader6
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader6
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader6
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader6
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader6
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term6
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title7
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start7
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end7
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart7
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend7
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office7
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside7
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president7
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general7
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach7
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor7
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister7
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier7
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister7
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister7
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor7
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident7
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister7
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier7
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy7
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant7
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor7
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded7
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding7
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor7
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded7
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding7
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr7
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state7
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament7
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer7
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe7
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date7
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate7
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent7
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent7
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee7
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election7
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from7
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from7
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country7
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker7
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader7
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader7
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader7
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader7
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader7
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader7
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term7
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title8
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start8
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end8
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart8
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend8
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office8
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside8
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president8
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general8
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach8
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor8
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister8
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier8
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister8
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister8
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor8
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident8
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister8
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier8
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy8
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant8
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor8
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded8
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding8
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor8
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded8
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding8
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr8
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state8
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament8
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer8
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe8
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date8
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate8
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent8
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent8
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee8
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election8
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from8
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from8
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country8
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker8
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader8
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader8
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader8
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader8
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader8
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader8
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term8
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title9
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start9
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end9
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart9
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend9
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office9
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside9
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president9
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general9
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach9
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor9
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister9
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier9
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister9
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister9
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor9
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident9
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister9
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier9
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy9
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant9
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor9
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded9
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding9
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor9
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded9
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding9
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr9
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state9
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament9
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer9
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe9
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date9
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate9
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent9
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent9
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee9
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election9
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from9
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from9
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country9
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker9
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader9
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader9
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader9
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader9
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader9
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader9
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term9
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title10
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start10
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end10
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart10
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend10
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office10
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside10
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president10
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general10
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach10
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor10
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister10
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier10
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister10
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister10
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor10
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident10
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister10
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier10
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy10
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant10
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor10
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded10
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding10
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor10
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded10
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding10
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr10
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state10
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament10
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer10
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe10
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date10
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate10
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent10
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent10
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee10
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election10
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from10
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from10
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country10
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker10
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader10
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader10
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader10
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader10
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader10
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader10
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term10
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title11
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start11
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end11
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart11
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend11
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office11
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside11
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president11
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general11
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach11
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor11
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister11
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier11
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister11
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister11
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor11
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident11
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister11
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier11
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy11
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant11
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor11
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded11
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding11
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor11
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded11
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding11
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr11
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state11
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament11
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer11
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe11
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date11
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate11
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent11
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent11
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee11
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election11
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from11
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from11
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country11
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker11
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader11
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader11
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader11
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader11
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader11
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader11
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term11
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title12
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start12
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end12
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart12
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend12
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office12
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside12
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president12
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general12
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach12
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor12
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister12
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier12
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister12
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister12
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor12
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident12
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister12
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier12
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy12
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant12
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor12
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded12
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding12
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor12
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded12
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding12
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr12
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state12
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament12
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer12
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe12
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date12
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate12
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent12
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent12
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee12
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election12
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from12
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from12
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country12
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker12
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader12
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader12
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader12
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader12
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader12
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader12
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term12
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title13
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start13
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end13
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart13
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend13
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office13
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside13
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president13
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general13
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach13
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor13
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister13
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier13
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister13
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister13
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor13
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident13
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister13
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier13
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy13
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant13
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor13
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded13
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding13
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor13
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded13
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding13
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr13
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state13
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament13
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer13
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe13
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date13
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate13
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent13
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent13
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee13
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election13
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from13
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from13
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country13
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker13
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader13
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader13
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader13
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader13
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader13
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader13
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term13
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title14
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start14
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end14
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart14
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend14
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office14
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside14
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president14
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general14
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach14
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor14
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister14
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier14
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister14
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister14
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor14
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident14
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister14
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier14
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy14
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant14
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor14
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded14
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding14
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor14
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded14
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding14
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr14
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state14
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament14
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer14
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe14
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date14
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate14
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent14
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent14
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee14
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election14
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from14
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from14
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country14
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker14
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader14
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader14
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader14
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader14
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader14
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader14
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term14
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end

Intermediate Node Mapping (help)
node class Tenure
corresponding property termPeriod

Property Mapping (help)
template property title15
ontology property title

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_start15
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property term_end15
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property termstart15
ontology property start

Property Mapping (help)
template property termend15
ontology property end

Property Mapping (help)
template property office15
ontology property office

Property Mapping (help)
template property alongside15
ontology property alongside

Property Mapping (help)
template property president15
ontology property president

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor_general15
ontology property governorGeneral

Property Mapping (help)
template property taoiseach15
ontology property taoiseach

Property Mapping (help)
template property governor15
ontology property governor

Property Mapping (help)
template property primeminister15
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property premier15
ontology property primeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister15
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property firstminister15
ontology property minister

Property Mapping (help)
template property chancellor15
ontology property chancellor

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepresident15
ontology property vicePresident

Property Mapping (help)
template property viceprimeminister15
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property vicepremier15
ontology property vicePrimeMinister

Property Mapping (help)
template property deputy15
ontology property deputy

Property Mapping (help)
template property lieutenant15
ontology property lieutenant

Property Mapping (help)
template property predecessor15
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceded15
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeding15
ontology property predecessor

Property Mapping (help)
template property successor15
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property succeeded15
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property preceding15
ontology property successor

Property Mapping (help)
template property jr/sr15
ontology property seniority

Property Mapping (help)
template property state15
ontology property state

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property district15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property constituency_AM15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_house15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_legislature15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_senate15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_delegate15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property state_assembly15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property assembly15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property pariament15
ontology property constituencyDistrict

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointer15
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property appointe15
ontology property appointer

Property Mapping (help)
template property election_date15
ontology property electionDate

Property Mapping (help)
template property runningmate15
ontology property runningMate

Property Mapping (help)
template property opponent15
ontology property opponent

Property Mapping (help)
template property incumbent15
ontology property incumbent

Property Mapping (help)
template property nominee15
ontology property nominee

Property Mapping (help)
template property party_election15
ontology property party

Property Mapping (help)
template property ambassador_from15
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property minister_from15
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property country15
ontology property country

Property Mapping (help)
template property speaker15
ontology property speaker

Property Mapping (help)
template property co-leader15
ontology property viceLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property leader15
ontology property leader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majorityleader15
ontology property majorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minorityleader15
ontology property minorityLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property minority_floor_leader15
ontology property minorityFloorLeader

Property Mapping (help)
template property majority_floor_leader15
ontology property majorityFloorLeader

Date Interval Mapping (help)
template property term15
start date ontology property start
end date ontology property end