Album (Show in class hierarchy)

Label (pl): album (wydawnictwo muzyczne)
Label (pt): álbum
Label (nl): album
Label (el): album
Label (ko): 앨범
Label (ur): تصویروں اور دستخط کی کتاب
Label (am): አልበም
Label (ga): albam
Label (fr): album
Label (es): album
Label (gl): álbum
Label (it): album
Label (da): album
Label (zh): 照片集
Label (en): album
Label (ja): アルバム
Label (de): Album
Super classes: MusicalWork

Properties on Album:
Name Label Domain Range Comment
albumRuntime (edit) album duration Album Time
artist (edit) performer MusicalWork Agent The performer or creator of the musical work.
compiler (edit) compiler Album Person For compilation albums: the person or entity responsible for selecting the album's track listing.
featuring (edit) featuring MusicalWork Agent Name of the second artist, apart the main artist, reserved preferently for singles, promotional singles and songs.
italicTitle (edit) italic title MusicalWork xsd:string Controls whether the title of the article is shown in italics.
longtype (edit) longtype Album xsd:string can be used to include more informations e.g. the name of the artist that a tribute album is in honor of
lyrics (edit) lyrics MusicalWork Person Creator of the text of a MusicalWork, eg Musical, Opera or Song
mainArtist (edit) main artist MusicalWork Agent Name of the main artist in the group.
musicFormat (edit) musicFormat Album xsd:string The format of the album: EP, Single etc.
musicType (edit) musicType MusicalWork owl:Thing Type is too general. We should be able to distinguish types of music from types of architecture
musicalKey (edit) musical key MusicalWork xsd:string
outputHistory (edit) output history MusicalWork xsd:string Existence of multiple output dates.
recordDate (edit) record date MusicalWork xsd:date
recordedIn (edit) recorded in MusicalWork PopulatedPlace
review (edit) review Album xsd:anyURI
singleList (edit) list of singles Album SingleList set of singles
totalDiscs (edit) total discs Album xsd:integer the total number of discs contained in the album
totalTracks (edit) total tracks Album xsd:integer the total number of tracks contained in the album